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        I heard a knock on the door frame as Sjin stepped into my open doorway. He kept his secrets, but I didn't bother trying to keep my privacy around him. There wasn't much about me to begin with, and he already knew everything there was to know, including a very stark image of what I looked like without all the bandages to cover me.

        "Hey," I nodded absently, throwing the blankets off me and standing up. Now that I could walk, I was pretty anxious to get outside again. Compared to what it was like back at my old hut, I had been cooped up in here for longer than was comfortable. The generic bookshelves and light birch wood walls had begun to get on my nerves. I wanted to feel the sun undisturbed on my skin again. "Ready for a tour Mr. Sjin," I said with exaggerated cheeriness.

        He just raised an eye brow at me and looked me up and down with his piercing blue gaze. He looked at my makeshift bandage shirt and blood stained trousers skeptically. He suddenly steps towards me and pulls me by the waist towards him, his hands wrapping almost all the way around my small sides. Kneeling, he started unraveling the cloth from the bottom up, getting dangerously close to my breasts. "They looked healed enough," he said in regards to the scabbed claw marks that wrapped around my waist and abdomen. I watched him closely as he brought up a hand to lightly draw his fingers across the damaged flesh, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin involuntary. It always surprised me when he was gentle, and this time was no different.

        He seemed to remember himself. Straitening, he said, "wait here," before disappearing into his bedroom. I got a glimpse of his dim room as he opened and shut the door, but I could only see a bed and some chests; no hidden rockets or witchcraft that  I could see.

        I heard the opening of chests and the rustling as Sjin scavenged through his things before the door opened back up and his hard, bearded face returned. "Here, wear this," he commanded, thrusting a wad of material into my hands. It was a pair of jean overalls and a white tee shirt, identical to the one he was wearing, albeit a little cleaner.

        I turned my head upwards, giving him a confused look. "You can't possibly expect me to fit in these?" I asked him, but he was already on his way.

        "You just need something to cover you," he said gruffly, "Come down once you've changed." He slammed the door on the way out.

        I huffed and let the rest of the bandages completely unravel. Walking over the the chest, I found my undergarments relatively unharmed, so I put them on and tried Sjins clothes. I was surprised by the complex pine and forest smell to them, and even more bothered by how intoxicating it was. These must have been another pair that he wore, I assumed.

        And they were huge on me. Sjin was pretty lithe, but he was also a lot taller than me, and the shoulders of the shirt were too broad to fit comfortably. I sighed, pulling off the clothes once again and finding a pair of sheers buried in the chest.

        I got to work cutting the legs off of the jeans and fixing the straps. I snipped off the sides and used the crafting table to reattach them again, repeating the process with the shirt. The overalls fit snugly around my hips now, and I rolled up the rough edges to create a boxy pair of shorts. The white shirt now hugged my sides, and I looked myself over once more before leaving the room. Maybe I had made the overalls a bit short, but maybe Sjin would be nicer to me with this kind of view.

        Sjin had his back to me, doing something at the furnace in the kitchen. "What took you so..." he started to ask as he turned around, bowls of some kind of brown liquid in his hands. He nearly dropped them when he saw my expanse of legs as I walked down the stairs, and unsuccessfully tried to recover himself. "What took you so long?" he asked again, less confident this time. I watched his throat bob as he swallowed hard.

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