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I gasped as Sjin grazed the cut on my head with a wad of wool soaked in water. I was sitting at the kitchen table while he stood over me, yet again fixing me up from some wound I had been inflicted. It seemed like a common occurrence now, and I only hoped I wouldn't have any other run ins with people like Ridge.

        "How could he do all that stuff?" I asked, needing an explanation. So much had happened this morning that I didn't know where to begin. I started with Ridge, knowing fully well that once I mentioned the other people Sjin would shut me out again.

        Sjin sighed, not looking at me as he washed the blood out of the wool and repeated the process. "He's our admin... our god," he said bitterly, "but that doesn't make him benevolent or humble."

        "So he can just... throw people around and teleport?" I asked, trying to give a name to the things I witnessed.

        "That's not all he can do," Sjin said in the same caustic tone, "He can effect time, weather, gravity; you name it."

        "But how'd he get so powerful?" I asked, wondering if there was a way we could knock him off his haughty ladder.

        "How'd we get here?" he asked, and I didn't have an answer for him. So he also didn't know what this world was, nor how Ridge can do the things he does. I was frustrated over the fact that we were helplessly at the will of this insane 'Admin'. I would do some digging later, perhaps find someone who knew more about Ridge, but that would have to wait until I find a means of traveling off this farm.

        I stayed quiet for a while, debating over my next question. I might be able to learn more about Sjin if I didn't overwhelm him all at once; he seemed pretty placid at the moment. Maybe if I just used one of the names, it wouldn't hurt him as much. I took a deep breath, and waited for him to finish placing a bandage over my cut before I asked, "Sjin? Who's Minty?"

        He stopped mid action, and then turned away from me, leaning on the table beside him for support. He propped his hands onto the table and took a deep breath, letting his head drop as he released the air. "She was my..." he started, boosting himself off the table to grab the bucket of bloody water. "Partner..." he finished, walking away to dump the water down the sink. "We, uh... she owned a pub..." he continued, letting his shoulders droop at the recollection.

        I didn't like seeing him like this; if only he would some how let me help him. "Wha... What happened to her?" I asked quietly, looking at my hands that rested in my lap. I was filled with conflict; I wanted to know why he was like this, yet it pained me to see him so torn up when he recalled those memories. I wondered if I should just leave him and ask Ridge or someone else who could explain it to me instead.

        "There was a fire," he said, emotionless, yet his jaw was clenched and had this horrified look in his eyes. "I...I started it..." he continued, barely a whisper.

        I tried to take a few soft breaths, afraid of what he would do next. He just stood there, slightly turned towards me, yet staring off into space. He seemed to be reliving the nightmare, and I couldn't take it anymore. "Sjin you don't have to explain it to..." I started, trying to bring him back to reality.

        "I couldn't save her," he said, barely audible, still with that distant look on his face.

        I sighed, feeling like a monster for all of this. I told him, "You can't blame your..."

        He whirled on me and took long strides across the kitchen until he was standing right in front of me. I flinched as he grabbed my shoulders and gave me a shake. "I couldn't save her!" he said again, this time much louder. His eyes, normally like ice, swirled with sadness and torment. I didn't know what I preferred; this Sjin or the rude, malicious one. He brought me even closer, yelling into my face, "And I can't save you!"

        "I'm not in danger Sjin," I explained, trying to bring him back from whatever horror bedeviled him. I grabbed for his face, not caring how he might lash out at me. "I'm okay," I assured him quietly, surprised at how deeply I wanted... I needed him to return to the present. My sense were heightened; I was acutely aware of how hard he gripped my arms, of how his beard scratched against my soft palms. I could even feel his hot breath on my face as he stared down at me. The conflict in his eyes scared me, for I saw how hard he was trying to harden himself against me once more. It didn't seem to be working.

        He suddenly pushed me away, obviously frustrated with himself more than me. He was about to storm out, like he normally does, but this time I needed to stop him. I wasn't going to let him leave in a ferment; he could do something impulsive. Besides, he didn't deserve to go through this alone, especially since I was the one who pushed him to it.

        I grabbed for his arm. "Don't leave," I pleaded, "I'm sorry I asked about it."

        He sighed, and I almost smiled as he grunted, "Come on, there's work to be done."

        He was back, and I was glad for that. I trotted along behind him as he lead me towards the beehives, glad I had my normal Sjin back. I would be more sensitive the next time I asked any questions, assuming I would ever pry like that again.

A/N Sorry this took so long to write, I'm having a bit of writers block when it comes to this story. I was originally planning to have this at the end of 5, but the chapter would have been way too long, so I apologize for how short this one was. Thanks for the support, and if you have any suggestions about anything feel free to comment or message me. Happy reading!

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