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        I was shaken awake by a hand on my arm. I opened my eyes, blinking to adjust to the dim light and looking around the room. The only light came from the multitude of stars out the widow, no inking of pink and orange on the horizon like I was accustomed to. Sjin stood over, his blue eyes only inches from my face as he whispered, "Wake up."

        I quickly detangled myself from the sheets and got up, remembering what we were about to do. I felt a mixture of fear and excitement as I quickly grabbed my prepacked backpack. Sjin hadn't really specified what I should bring, so I only had a few provisions and gear to carry. An iron sword hung at my hip to complete the outfit, though I hoped I wouldn't have to use it.

        The farmer had stood there placid the few moments it took to gather my things. He wore a judgmental look, gazing up and down my body until he seemed to make a decision and motioned me to follow him to the store room. I hadn't dared go in here since those first few days, but we didn't go near the back of the room where that suit hid.

        I wandered in and Sjin was on his knees, rummaging through the cluttered chest until he pulled out something stiff and brown. "Here," he said, thrusting the leathers into my arms, "I made you these." His voice was gruff and mean, but I appreciated the gesture, for there was a certain tenderness in it. The armor was well put together, and I wondered if he had been making these already or if he had only started yesterday. I would have hated for him to have lost sleep when we probably wouldn't get any for a good few days.

        "Thank you," I said gratefully. He gave me a curt nod and what could only be described as a neutral look that I had come to acquaint with approval or happiness. He then nodded towards the door over my shoulder. "Get those on, then come on down and I'll give you the cargo you'll be carrying," he told me, beginning to pile boxes on each other that we would take.

        I silently slipped out the door and back to my room, pulling on the leathers and tying things as necessary. I admired his work; they fit snugly and would definitely protect me from loosed arrows and zombie teeth. They were at least better than my shorts and tee shirt, which left me fatally exposed. I quickly pulled out my sword from the sheath on the ground and took a few experimental swings; the armor proved light and flexible enough not to weigh me down in a fight. Overall, I was ecstatic over the gift.

        I padded down the stairs, looking around for Sjin. He we surrounded by boxes and two bulging backpacks in the kitchen. He wore his own leathers, deftly crafted and showing off his bulk and muscle in a way that made my stomach lurch. When he saw me in his present, the side of his mouth twitched up in the tiniest half smile. "You look good," he observed, "Do they fit alright?"

        "Perfectly," I gushed, twisting my hips so I could look down at myself and admire the craftsmanship one more time. I bounced on my heals, ready to start the journey. It was still pitch dark outside, but I had an inclination that dawn was fast approaching.

        The smile disappeared and he was all business again. He reached down and lifted one of the backpacks, holding it up with the straps facing me. I quickly took the hint, shrugging into the straps and adjusting my other pack so that they fit comfortably with each other. I had to steady myself and take a breath as Sjin let go, the weight of the pack nearly pulling me backwards. This would be cumbersome and unwieldy, slowing me down; already my shoulders and back were starting to hurt.

        Sjin noticed my discomfort as he pulled on his own equally bulging pack. "Don't worry, it's only a days walk until we reach the sea, and then it's smooth sailing until we reach Craggy Island... literally," he told me, not laughing at his joke. I still smiled, happy that he had some capacity for humor.

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