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"Let's get you out of those rags," Ross said once we were away from the others, my hand still in his as he brought me down an elevator and lead my through an impressive meeting room. Their base was vast and confusing; I would have to spend a good amount of time familiarizing myself with it if I were to stay here for any length of time.

Ross lead me through a door and into a bedroom; I presumed it was his. "So... what do you guys do here?" I asked, sitting down on a chest in the back of the room while he stalked over to a closet filled with similarly colored and cut suits and dug through them.

"We sell deeds..." he said simply, concentrating on his work.

"Is that why you have all that expensive and complicated machinery in the lower levels?" I asked suspiciously, having noticed a whole floor of pipes and wires and metal as we passed it on the elevator.

"...among other things," he finished, apparently finding the suit he wanted and shuffling over to the crafting table with a bundle of silk under his arm.

"So what will I be doing?" I asked, swinging my feet slowly back and forth as I watched him work. He was cutting and sewing together bits of fabric, and had a look of concentration on his face that said he wasn't used to doing such things.

He set down his work and turned to me. "Well, what can you do?" he asked.

I pushed myself up and pad over to stand beside him. "For one," I said, pushing him gently out of the way with my shoulder, "I can stitch better than you can." I took the material from his hand and started fixing the mess he had made, pausing for a moment to give him a small smile.

"Right," he said, smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head. He had a nice smile, and it was a pleasant change having someone who was easily happy. "What else?" he asked.

"I'm really good at farming," I said proudly, straightening up just a bit, "and I've learned a lot about the machinery involved as well."

"So you're good with mechanics?" he asked, his interest peaked.

"I've got a pretty good handle on the basics," I said, shooting him another smile.

"What about mining?" he inquired.

"I've never been," I said, my confidence diminishing somewhat. That was the one thing Sjin never taught me.

"Really?" he asked, his eyebrows disappearing into his scraggly hairline, "I'll have to take you then."

I dropped my things and turned around to face him. "You will?" I asked, bouncing on my heals and placing my hands on his chest eagerly.

I watched his cheeks color slightly and he leaned back slightly, but he replied steadily, "Uh, sure. It's not that much fun once you're actually down there..."

I waved off his comment and turned back around to finish what I was working on. "I'm sure it's not that bad," I muttered, putting in the finishing touches and running it through the crafting table. "There," I said, holding up the new suit which was now much smaller and shapely than it's original state.

"Good work," he said, running a hand across the fabric, "Let me show you where you'll be staying." Ross took my hand once again and pulled me lightly down the hallway to another oak door similar to the one we just left.

"It's not much," he said, holding it open for me and then following, "but it's got a great view."

I looked around a dark, stone room with a single bed and chest in it. I gave him a look when I saw that there were no windows, and he gave me a guilty look. "That was a joke," he mumbled, "'cause were... you know... underground..." He trailed off and gave me that same dazzling, sheepish smile.

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