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A/N Hello, 2021 author here. Fuck Sjin and his actions, I wish I hadn't spent so much time writing about him, but I want to make it clear that this is an original work with references to characters  people played in their YouTube series and not the real people themselves. I condemn the real Sjin, and I now consider the character in my book to be an OC. Also, I really love this story, but I wrote it in 2015 and it has not been edited, so there are some spelling and grammar issues, and some awkward flow and cadence. Nothing too egregious that it takes away from the story, but they're there. Thanks for reading!

I stood up, stretching my back after being stooped over for so long. My bag was full of barley, but I knew once I crafted it into wheat and fed the animals, it would make a measly meal.

I carefully picked my way through the newly planted field, headed for the pen that protruded from the side of my small hut. Its only occupants were a cow and a sheep, happily munching on the tall grass near the fence. I hopped over the wood planks and pulled out my sheers, quickly trimming the wool off of the sheep. It bleated at me, happy that I had taken off his hot coat, and I patted it's head.

I turned to the cow. "Your turn huh?" I asked her as I knelt down and placed a bucket under her. It took a while, but I was able to get two full buckets of milk. I stood up slowly, letting the blood rush back into my knees and calves. I ran a hand along her side, thanking her, and then jumping back over the fence. I walked around the side of the house and into the front door.

My chicken greeted me, clucking and hopping up and down. I laughed and grabbed a few stalks of barley, crushing it in my hand and scattering it across the dirt floor. It happily scratched and pecked at the ground, bobbing its head towards the ground to find the choice parts of the barley.

The sun was going to set soon, so I locked the door and started crafting what was left of my barley into wheat and then into bread. I washed my hands and face in a square of water in the corner and pulled my hair up with a piece of string. I walked over to my bed and sat down, mike bucket and bread in hand. I didn't have a table or chair. In fact, the only things in my house were a furnace, crafting table, and a bed.

I wiped my lips, removing any excess milk or bread crumbs from my mouth with the back of my sleeve. I was wearing a white long sleeved shirt and pants, the same outfit I had spawned in a few weeks before. It wasn't too hot here in the forest, so I didn't feel the need to find new clothes or even cut off the sleeves.

I set down the bucket and crawled under my covers, laying down. It was black out by now, and the moon was no where to been seen through my tiny, glassless window. A faint light from the torches near the animal pen was the only thing that allowed me to see in this tiny house.

I heard a fluttering of wings and I looked up to see my chicken above me on one of the two rafters. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, knowing that she would be kicking down bits of straw down at me the entire night.

I wanted to sleep, but a combination of my racing mind and the hard, unforgiving plank of wood I slept on made me toss and turn. I also felt lonely. With all the weeks I've been here and as far as I've dared to venture away from the clearing my little farm was in, I had not seen any other forms of inteligent life. Atleast, none that don't want to kill me. The monsters have been an issue, and though my animals keep me company, I don't know how much longer I can deal with the stress of survival and the lack of social interactions before I go completely insane.

At some point during the night had managed to fall asleep, but that came to no relief. It was fitful and full of nightmares; zombies tearing at my flesh and spiders darting in to bite me and retreat before I even had time to react. I had found out early on that this world was dangerous. I managed to just barely escape the few scrapes I had gotten into, and I didn't know how long I could keep getting lucky.

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