Chapter 5

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A/N: Long Chapter

The courtyard was in pure chaos like it usually was during the day. The children were laughing. Running race laps around the area and playing their usual games. Everyone was having a good time laughing and playing with their friends. All except one.

Rosie sat on the steps in the back of the courtyard. Watching as the other kids played and conversed amongst themselves. Rosie's eyes saddened at the sight of the other kids talking with their friends. As Rosie glanced around, her eyes landed on one group of girls. That seemed to be near her age. Soon the girls turned and caught Rosie's eyes on them. Knowing this Rosie gave them a shy wave and smile. Which was returned with glares and snarls.

Rosie then frowned and turned away from the group. With her head down she stared at her doll. Rosie was always the outcast in the orphanage. No one wanted to be her friend for she was deemed the weird one of the orphanage. The loser. But it all changed when her best and only friend Alyse came.

Alyse came to the orphanage when Rosie was 5 years old. Alyse had fair tan skin and wavy long brown hair. Her eyes were hazel brown, which she could almost swear was a little violet. Along rosy cheeks and lips to match.

Unlike Rosie's quiet and shy nature. Alyse was loud and active, she dared to dream and was never ashamed to speak her mind. So, it was a surprise to everyone when she and Rosie became best friends. However, even though they were different sides of the same coin. They both dreamed of finding a nice home with a wonderful family.

For the longest time they were inseparable. Until Rosie's 7th name day, when a family came and adopted Alyse and took her all the way to a land across the sea. A place called Essos, as Rosie recalled. Rosie remembered watching Alyse ride away to her new home from her window. Tears in her eyes as she watched her friend disappear, forever.


New home?

A family?

Rosie thought running her fingers across the doll's face. While staring at her doll she looked at its appearance. Lady Maria was an old and tattered doll; her dress was grey and dirty. One of her button eyes was already gone and the remaining was hanging on by a single thread. The doll's use to be full head of wool hair was mostly gone. All that was left was six dangling strands. And its red sew lips were just loose threads.

As Rosie kept staring at the doll. Tears started to well in Rosie's innocent green irises. For she and the doll were the same; they both were broken and torn. Seeming to not belong or survive in this world. However, both somehow deserve to be in it.

Rosie's hands started to tremble. The dirty and battered object in her hands shaking along with her form. She kept thinking; maybe, just maybe. . . Caretaker Aaron was wrong about everything. Maybe she was cursed that she will never be adopted. Maybe she was supposed to just exist without a reason why. Maybe she was supposed to be forgotten by the world. To wonder aimlessly through the shadows as nothing.

You are nothing! The little voice in the back of her head said. Making the little girl's shoulders start to shake.

You are nothing! It echoed over and over again in her mind. Rosie started to sob at the cruel words. Believing and feeling every single inch of the subconscious hate.





"I am nothing. A nobody," the heartbroken girl whispered to herself in growing sadness. By now Rosie's head was down as she curled up into a ball hugging her doll tightly. Her little tears were now a river, running down her face and falling gracefully like rain onto her dirt covered knees.

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