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This is to certify that all characters, events, places, e.t.c. portrayed in the story, (No matter how relatable or similar they are to people (alive or dead), events or places. E.t.c) are all products of my extremely active information.

Now that I've said that in legal English lemme say it in layman's terms for those of us (like me), that couldn't be bothered about the big ass words or complicated sentences.

I own everything but the pictures and the music used in this story. That means the storyline, the title and every other part of this story aside from the music and pictures belongs to me.

That also means I have the right to sue your ass if you steal my story, make copies of it or translate it, without my express permission or consent.
Just kidding I won't go that far. Or won't I?🤷

Also please don't be a bitch in the comments.

Any character in any story is a part of the author that has brought it to life. So you shouldn't bad mouth. Everybody has flaws, that's what makes us unique, the same goes for fictional characters.

That being said, please enjoy yourselves while you're reading,
I absolutely appreciate your feedbacks and any love you have to show me.

If you're still here at this point and still not fed up with me I love you.

You can follow me if you want...

On Facebook I'm @Ecstatic Bloom

I'm also on Inkitt @Ecstaticbloom
And on Mirakee @ecstaticbloom

On Mirakee you can view my poems and quotes, your feedbacks mean a lot to me.

If you haven't left. Thank you for deciding to give this book a chance, see you in chapter 1.❤️

June 18 2021.

Vixen... (ON HOLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum