Chapter 12

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Just because a choice is difficult for you to make doesn't mean it's the best choice.
The wrong options hurt you too.

We walked up the stairs in silence. Sorcha clung onto my hand so much that it started to hurt. She was terrified, still shaking a little.

I stopped walking after we got to the second floor landing. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" I took her face in my hands, trying to get her to look at me but she kept her eyes on the floor. I crouched to her level "Sorcha, what happened?" She still didn't answer though, she jumped on me and buried her face in my neck, with loud sobs shaking her small frame.

I patted her back and just held her. "What happened?" BR walked back to us.

"I don't know what's wrong except that she's hella scared of Lenora, she's been shaking like a leaf since she saw her." I told BR what I noticed.

"Sorcha piccola, Angelo cose é successor? Ti ha ferito?" Under normal circumstances I'd have complained about him speaking Italian, but it seemed to calm Sorcha down, cause her sobs slowed to hiccups and she turned to look at him but she still wasn't saying anything. (Sorcha baby, Angel what happened? Did she hurt you?)

"Dimmi piccola, lo finiro the Io prometto. Talk to me." (Tell me baby, I'll end it, I promise, talk to me.) Sorcha looked like she was about to talk, she opened her mouth but before she could say anything Lenora interrupted us.

She quickly started fawning over Sorcha, I wasn't buying it though. But I couldn't exactly accuse her either. I just frowned at her, it was obviously an act.

Rubbing all over her, drying off her tears but Sorcha looked at her with equal measures of hate and terror.

"Ok, that's enough, stay away from her for now." BR pulled Sorcha away from her hold, I guess she gives off the same vibes that she does to me to BR.

"Let's go Bella." BR took a hold of my forearm and led the way through the corridor. I couldn't resist looking back at Lenora though, she looked innocent somewhat, but I couldn't lose the feeling that all that plastic surgery and make up was being used to cover up an ugly heart, mind, body and soul.

BR showed me to my room it was on the third floor. There was an elevator in this mansion. BR wanted to take Sorcha's mind off things. The speed of the elevator could be regulated and you could request music to be played.

Sorcha sang along to a nusery rhyme in the few minutes it took to get to the fourth floor, down to the first and back to the third. She calmed down considerably, she even became a chatter box once more and showed me the room that her 'papa' said would be mine when I got here.

The fact that he was so sure I'd come with him. Irked me.

I still had my suspicion that those guys that attacked Sorcha and I were simply pawns, in Luciano's elaborate plan to get me to come with him. But I didn't see him as someone who's go through all those mediums just to get me.

Thee was also the fact that he refused to give me back custody of my daughter, and that fact just made the anger in my heart boil to the point of tipping over. I couldn't exactly, take him to court, it would be useless.

I'm not a fool after seeing the type of life he lives, I'd probably lose my head before I think of the word Lawsuit.

I shook my head, I needed to clear it, I'd think better with a clear head than with all this anger swimming around.

I took in the room I was placed in, for the first time since stepping in.

The room was beautiful, with a queen sized bed in the middle. It was literally the size of my apartment plus BR's, not like that was the point. Anywhere was bigger than my apartment.

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