Chapter 7

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Hi Guys, Today, this song is a representation of my feelings, kinda (I'm psychotic sometimes 🥱)

Plus if you've ever been a shadowhunters fan, you'd know this song.
It's what drew most of us to the show.
Damn I miss that show.
Anyway. Let's get into the story.

If you have nobody to talk to and there's absolutely no one, just know that I'm always here, cause I know exactly how it feels not to have anyone to share your feelings with.
(P.S: I mean it.)

Sorcha and I sat on the swing in the orphanage playground. She messed with my hair for a bit. Caressed my tattoo of her name and the date she was conceived on my arm.

She told me about the 'many' tattoos her papa has, she probably loves to exaggerate. His exposed skin didn't give even one hint of him having tattoos underneath.

She told me about her school and her many friends and about her favorite Aunty Chiara who I didn't know.

I was fascinated by her, to think that I created this angel, not by choice but I wouldn't have it any other day.

I kissed her forehead and muttered I love you to her then stood up to go back inside the house.

I came back into the room to see BR looking pale like he'd seen a ghost.

Luciano stood up when I got into the room. "I'll leave her with you today. I'll come for the both of you tomorrow." The fuck did he mean by both of us?! Before I could ask him though he walked up to me, gave me a smoldering look that made me think bad thoughts like how sexy he'd look shirtless on a bed. Bad V, I shook my head to get a hold of my thoughts.

He kissed Sorcha's forehead and muttered something to her probably in Italian and she answered with 'Si'. He shook his head and they went back and forth like that till Sorcha burst out laughing.

He kissed her again and walked out like he owned the place, arrogant bastard.

"What happened BR?" I asked few minutes after I heard the put of Luciano's car. I was concerned for him, he hadn't said a word since. He just raised his head like he didn't hear me and walked out, taping me on the shoulder.

I walked with him. He walked towards his parked bike, got on and started it. He looked towards me, as if to ask what I was waiting for. I walked towards him and collected the spare helmet, he gave me his too, I'm guessing for Sorcha and put on his sun glasses.

"Hey, What's up, BR?" I asked when he was still ignoring us. He just shook his head, waited for me to get on and drove off.

Heaven knows what Luciano said or did to him. I clinged to him with Sorcha between us.

We got to the apartment fairly quickly. Sorcha had fallen asleep during the ride, I carried her and rested her head on my shoulder. BR stayed in front of me as we walked up the stairs not talking to me, just ignoring me.

"Are you ok BR?" I asked again when he got to his room door. He just looked at me smiled it was more of a grimace, entered his apartment and shut his door.

"Alright then." I sighed and opened my door. I got into my room and dropped Sorcha on my bed. She was sleeping so peacefully, looking like an angel. My Angel.

I remember the night I was raped, I was devastated. I was almost nineteen still trying to get over the death of my mom, but then I found out I was pregnant.

Vixen... (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz