Chapter 20

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Mind your words, Always!
The most careless word you say may have just pulled the trigger of an already loaded gun.

I didn't really know why I was crying, I guess I'm the killer my mom thinks I am.

I looked up at the sound of my door opening.

It was BR. He looked like my tears were hurting him, but I didn't even want to see him right now.

I probably looked pitiful. So stupid.

"I'm so sorry." I sniffled and turned away from him. I didn't want to hear him right now.

"No V, I'm sorry."

"You could have at warned me you know, given me a heads up." I shrugged his hands off my shoulder, I didn't even hear him walk close enough to touch me.

"I didn't know this was gonna happen V, I had no idea. All I want to do is protect you." I looked up at him my hope returning.

"Then help me, get Sorcha and I out of here." I sat up and grabbed his hands. But I could see it in his eyes before he said anything.

"I can't." I thought so too. "I want to... I really do but I can't protect you forever, they'll find you one day, no matter how far away we go, and when they do they'll kill you. I'll be safe, but what about you?"

I could hear it in his voice, he was as helpless as I was... This was out of his hands too. I couldn't stop myself anymore... I dove into his arms I felt more protected with him than anywhere else.

He didn't disappoint he wrapped his hands around me... "I can't take you away... But I promise I'll protect you with my life. I'll make sure nothing happens to you." He meant it, I just knew he did.

I tightened my hands around him and just rested my head on his shoulders and cried my eyes out. He didn't say anything, he just held me occasionally running his hands down my back.

I don't know how much time had passed but by the time I finally raised my head, I was much calmer... I didn't bother asking him if I'd ever forget about the person I'd killed, I somehow knew I wouldn't I'd never forget it.

"What now?" My voice sounded so hoarse I startled BR, I almost laughed... "I'm not sure V, first they have to find the people that tried to kill you and Sorcha back at the apartment, we don't believe they came of their own accord." I nodded my head, to show him I understood.

"While that's going on... I've been given the sole wonderful responsibility of training you."

"Training me?" He probably heard the confusion in my voice... The card you pick meant you have to be proficient in a lot of weapons if not all of them? You picked the assassin's card." I drew a quick breath in.

"What? Assassin as in I'd have to kill more people?" I didn't really need BR to clarify but he did anyway.

"I have to train you, so you don't get yourself killed the first time you go out there." I was once again helpless... So Trisha wasn't going to be the last person that died by my hands?

I could feel my chest getting tighter and my throat closing up. But BR didn't let me go back down that path again.

"Alright V, stand up wash your face then we can go look for Sorcha and get ice cream or something... Sound good?" I nodded and got off BR...

He led me to the bathroom and turned on the water in the sink... I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror.

I needed to find a silver lining. I could spend time with Sorcha... I knew that I wouldn't win a legal battle again Luciano... I didn't have the money or resources he did, so that was hopeless... I'd take what I could get.

Plus it's the Mafia with how much I've seen I could already tell that Luciano probably had a lot of enemies... If I took Sorcha away could I protect her?

My hands were tied, my daughter's safety comes first, no matter how uncomfortable I got. With that new resolve I looked at BR and smiled. I could do this... For Sorcha at least. I had to give her the world if not the world, I could give her my all.


We found Sorcha in her princess themed room... Not the frozen themed one I entered earlier. It was beautiful and you could tell no expense was spared to give Sorcha the best... She was sitting on a chair close to the window when we got in.

Something was wrong, but I couldn't put my hand on it, she just seemed chastised, sad and scared all at the same time.

Asking her didn't make her any forthcoming with what was wrong with her... I just made a mental note to find out what it was that was bothering her.

She did seem excited about leaving the estate with BR and I though.

That was two hours ago... Now? Sorcha was chatting my ear off and we'd eaten so much I was feeling like a pregnant whale.

Sorcha though didn't look the least bit tired. I made the decision not to get any ice cream cause Sorcha already had some earlier.

We walked out of the restaurant with Sorcha between us and walked towards BR's car. My hand had started throbbing and luckily BR had some aspirin or pain relief in his car.

We got into the car with Sorcha at the back of the car. I took the pain relief and BR suggested watching a movie before we went back... So we drove to the cinema.

We bought a ticket for Enchanto and went in Sorcha slept off close to the end of the movie... So BR carried her out to the car after the movie...

I'd forgotten all of my worries till we say the big estate gate... I hated it here but I'd stay, if only for Sorcha.

I'd never had noticed Luciano if it wasn't for his weird eyes that looked like my daughter's, I'd have avoided him at the club that day.

But funny enough I noticed today that they have two very different eyes... Luciano's were so light you'd think they had no pigments it was so beautiful but scary at the same time...

But Sorcha's... They were the lightest grey I'd ever seen or were they blue... I guess it depended on what angle the light hit them from.

It's hard to explain but the best question would be why was I thinking about Luciano's eyes and comparing them to Sorcha's?


Hmmmm!!! Hey guys, it's me again.
Yup it's Ecstasy... It's been a hot minute and by minute I mean a year plus...

The fact that I'm bursting with things to say but simply can't... Thanks for sticking with me guys... I mean it.
I was so shocked when I came back and saw like 700+ reads I could have sworn we were still at the half a million mark last time I checked...

A lot has happened sincerely!!! But I'm just grateful I can be here... I'm still getting my grove back...

Shit I feel like I talk too much and end up saying nothing.

The next chapter is gonna be a time jump... Just wanted to put it out there...

Anyway, Thanks for reading guys, thanks for the support... It means so much...

As always, it's the author who never fails to bring you that dose of extremely harmless ecstasy you need. Bye guys.

P.S enjoy the music, I kinda fell in love with Alec Benjamin this past year... And ftr I'm not sorry.

Not Edited!
October, 4th 2022.


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