Chapter 10

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Nothing in this life is free darling.
Not even love.
In fact.
It's probably the most expensive  of all.

We'd finally landed in Italy. After the 11 hour flight. Sorcha woke up about two hours before we landed and decided that she at least loved me enough to tolerate sitting on my lap and picking at the ripped part of my jeans.

But that was probably because she couldn't find Luciano when she woke up.

She actually went ahead to pull at my naval piercing at one point, when my shirt rode up. And I spent sometime explaining to her that beautiful things like studs when placed on people's skin cause pain when you try to pull them out forcefully.

I doubt she was listening though cause she kept playing with it and I gave up.

There were cars waiting for us at the airport when we landed.

The air was warmer but it felt therapeutic. I breathed in a lung full and looked around the airport. There wasn't much to see though. Aside from the big ass planes all around and the cooperate dressed people here and there, it looked deserted.

BR, Sorcha and I got into one car. And the car sped off before I could even ask about Luciano. Not that I would have.

Italy was beautiful though, at least the bit of it I could see from the inside of a car.

I'd been Sorcha's new love since before the plane landed, she obviously decided I was worth loving because she sat with me and on me throughout the ride, occasionally touching my hair and my skin. Touching and pressing on the beauty mark I had on my chest occasionally.

I could understand her though, she was curious about me, aside from hearing my voice from the phone and the locket I sent to her, she'd never seen me before. I was still surprised she'd let me touch her or come near her.

That had been my fear, that I'd get rejected by my own child. But having Sorcha run to me and hug made me so happy it was unexplainable, it almost made me want to forgive Sister Sarah for giving her up for adoption. Almost.

"Are you gonna keep ignoring me?" And contrary to popular belief it was BR that asked that question. After about 45minutes of being in a car where the silence was occasionally disrupted by Sorcha and her tablet. Guess he missed me after all.

I looked over my shoulder even though I knew he was definitely talking to me "Me?" I pressed my palm to my chest for added dramatics. What? Sue me.

My best friend finally decide I was worth talking to after eleven hours.

He gave me his 'obviously' face, but I wasn't having none of that so I just gave him a face that probably made me look like a drowning chicken but I hoped was my 'get on with it face'

He sighed and gave up. "Yes Bella, I'm talking to you."

"Oh, Mr High and mighty has decided to finally get off the high horse he didn't own? Oh! what am I saying, he owns the fucking horse in secret." I was gonna rile him up to the best of my ability because being civil obviously ain't working.

"I don't want to argue with you Bella." He tried to calmly reason with me. And you probably know I'm always beyond reason. I wanted to know why BR could kill somebody and still look so stoic about it. I also wanted to know how BR owned the club we both worked at, that place was huge.

"Why the fuck not BR?" I whispered being mindful of the child on my lap. I glared at him.

"Why won't you tell me own a strip club, better yet why didn't you tell me that you own the one we..." I gestured to the both of us. " ... You know, both of us work at? That's hurtful BR, very hurtful. And you killed two people BR, in front of my eyes and yet..." I gestured at him with my hand.

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