Chapter 11

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Say what you mean, not what people want to hear.

While I looked like a literal fish out of water BR was looking amused.

"Um... it's...Um..." I looked around the the car like the answer was there. How do I explained the word 'fuck' as used in a sentence?

"Baby girl, it's an exclamation only adults can use." BR explained, why didn't I think of that?

"Oh, like when papa says not to say Cazzo or Cagna?" She looked curious, but I didn't know the meaning of the two words she just said, so along with her I looked towards BR.

"Your Dad needs a firm spanking for speaking those words in front of you." BR looked exasperated. Aha, the court would need to look at his case too.

"No, no, no." Sorcha actually looked like she was reprimanding, she put her hands on her waist while talking and tried to look at BR with stern eyes. "Nobody is spanking my papa, he didn't say the words to me, I overheard him telling the estate..." She paused like she was searching for the right words. "Whore. To get the fuck out of his sight, when I asked him what fuck meant he didn't tell me. Then another day he called Uncle Alejandro, Aunt Chiara's, Cagna and he said Cazzo the day he cut his finger." She listed off on her fingers. I think I'm just gonna ignore the fact that my daughter called somebody a whore. Nope, hell no!

"He, um... Also called somebody a whore? And you overheard?" I asked gingerly. "Nope, that was Uncle Alejandro. He said girls like Nora are called whores" She turned her attention back to her tablet. Bless her innocence.

I looked towards BR, whoever this Alejandro was, was gonna have a serious discussion with me. "Sorcha, darling." I turned her face slightly to the side so she could look at me. "Don't call anybody such a name again, ok? It's rude and insulting to say it, and it's a bad word that you're too young to be caught saying. Alright?" Sweet child, she nodded and turned back to her game.

I kissed her temple and turned to  glare at BR, who in turn, turned his face away. "What do you do BR? What does your family do?" I mouthed to him after pinching him. I didn't forget, preoccupied yes. But I didn't forget.

"I can't tell you that Bella, not until you are ready." Before I could ask him what he meant the driver spoke up.

"We're here." Guys, here according to where the driver parked the car, was a mansion behind a dwarf fence, I didn't notice the gate opening but I did notice the armed men standing around different spots in the mansion looking like statues.

It looked like something straight out of a fictional dream. The walls were all painted in different tones of grey and white. It had a fountain in the middle of the driveway but the fountain was not spilling water at the moment.

It was massive. "How many floors does your house have BR?"  I asked, but it was Sorcha who replied. "Four, and I have a room on three floors. Papa said the fourth floor is 'where you shouldn't go sorcha.'" She deepened her voice at the end to sound like her dad. Why am I calling him her dad?

I would love to open my mouth now, but was currently lacking the ability to perform normal reflex actions. "BR..." We got down from the car and the driver drove off. "Your brother owns a private plane, your family owns the estate, this is your family's house, you owned the club we used to work at. What else are you not telling me?" Trust me I could barely keep myself upright if not for the knowledge that I had Sorcha's little hand in mine.

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