Chapter 5

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Ciao Mio Cagnas! It's your favorite Cagna right here. Yup, I'm back. Time jump guys, bear with me.🥺

In life, no one is forced to be a passenger.
You and only you can be the driver of your own destiny.
(Yup, I'm a die-hard wrestling fan too.🙄😁)

I left the apartment to the cafe about two hours ago, today was busy as hell. It's been about a month since BR and I just stayed in and watched shows on Netflix, I wish I could do it everyday, really I do.

I just went to the back to get some cold water and some air.

"V, V." I can't catch a break tell me why the fuck, Lisa is screaming my fucking name?!

I was busy daydreaming about mystery man again, the object of most of my wet dreams and day dreams.

"What's up with you, can't live for a full minute without me bitch?" I asked as I walked back into the café.

"You won't believe what just happened?!" Obviously, I haven't heard it. I looked back at her with a 'get on with it idiot' look.

"So I was serving a table and this Greek god, hulk of a man just walked in." Ummm so?! It's not like we ever gossip about guys together, that's Tej's second job. I raised an eyebrow, impatient for her to get to the point.

"Anyway he had this crazy cute kid with him, she couldn't have been more that five years old." She held up her hand when I tried to interrupt her.

"Here comes the good part, she looked just like you V, like the ultimate carbon copy, same hair, same face, the only difference between the both of you were her eyes." She tried to catch her breath but my mind was already beating a hundred miles per hour, conjuring up every possible scenerio.

She must have seen the horror on my face cause she stopped whatever she was going to say next. "Are you okay V?"

"Yeah. I am." I managed to get out without stuttering. "I just need to make a quick phone call I'll be right back." I hurried away. I'm sure I look as white as snow at this point.

I called BR waiting impatiently for him to pick up the phone.

"Hey Bella..." I was too far gone with worry to let him finish. "BR Sorcha's still at the orphanage right?"

"Why would you suddenly bring that up of course she is, you talk to her every other week." I still didn't feel settled though.

"Lisa just said a guy came in with a kid that looks just like me, the only difference between us being our eyes. That sounds suspiciously like Sorcha right?" I explained and asked, I was freaking out here. I need to be sane, to be sure.

"Ummm, yeah that's crazy accurate, but she should be there." Even BR sounded uneasy. "Sister Sarah won't put her up for adoption, she promised and you send money for Sorcha's upkeep every month, so she isn't really a bother." Exactly.

"Right? The little girl just looked like my Sorcha." I asked cause currently I was going out of my mind with worry.

"It couldn't be, but we could go to the orphanage just to be sure?" He suggested. "Yeah, we definitely should. I get off work in about thirty minutes but I could ask Tej to let me off earlier and we could go."

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