Chapter 6

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It's not everyday we get opportunities.
That's why we should make the most of the ones that have presented themselves.

Through the chaos I heard nothing, saw nothing except my beauty.

She was dressed in a grey tutu, leggings and a white long sleeved shirt.

"Sorcha, darling." My voice cracked, I got down from BR's hold and spread my arms. She practically jumped on me. I peppered her face with kisses. "My baby girl. I missed you so much." I ground out between kisses.

After a while I noticed how quiet the room was so I looked up. BR and mystery man were practically in a world of their own, having a scary staring contest. Sister Sarah was sitting in her chair looking chastised.

"Luciano..." BR started to say but mystery man cut him off, what a rude bitch. I held Sorcha to my chest and stood up. She seemed contented to rest her head on my shoulders.

"Cosi ci faceva la tua mano intorno alla mia donna?"
(What was your hand doing around my woman?)
Mystery man ground out like he was angry at BR or something. I should be the pissed one here.

"She's her own fucking woman." BR said in english glancing at me, so I could guess they were talking about me.

"Fratello!" Mystery man tsked. But I'd had it. Literally.

"Can you say what you fucking have to say in english?" I said glaring at the mystery man.

"Papa says not to say that word mama." Sorcha giggled and put her hand over my mouth. I kissed her palm and whispered sorry.

"I'm sorry Bella." BR said, then glared at mystery man. "This is my twin brother Luciano." Wait, what?!

"Twin Brother?!" I was sure my words conveyed my shock. First of all they looked as different as the cover of a French childrens story book and an American adult novel.

"We're fraternal twins." Yeah I got that but. "He's the guy I was telling you about BR the one that paid me times ten." The one I've also been fantasizing about since the night it happened.

BR simply glared at his brother, whose name was apparently Luciano. "I was just wondering what he was doing out of Italy." BR spat out more or less.

"Business." Luciano glared back, he must not speak English much, his words were more Italian than English. But that wasn't my fucking problem.

"Great. It's good that you're here, I can now take back custody of my daughter." I sighed and kissed her temple.

"That's not gonna happen, there's not gonna be any bloody talk about custody, I've had Sorcha since she was a month old, she's practically my reason for living, I'm not giving her up now." Excuse me? Since when?! I furrowed my eyebrows at Sister Sarah.

"When did you give my baby out sister?" I asked it couldn't have been the month I brought her here. She didn't answer me.

"I wish I'd never brought my baby here Sister. You practically sold her out the first month you got her." She had the guts to look chastised. "I don't really care how long you've had her Luciano, she was never yours to have." I looked towards the man, who apparently the sister was so sorry for she gave my daughter to him cause he's such a charity case.

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