First Day of School

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Before the chapter can somebody suggest me a quirked Izuku fanfic?😅 thanks 🙃

Hanao got up, tired, she walked over to the door, opening she saw the mailman handing a letter

"Here is your letter from UA, have a great day!"

The man exclaimed in a hurry.

'Did I just wake up to this?' She thought to herself opening the letter and putting the device it brought to her desk waiting for something to happen.

A hologram appeared and Aizawa started speaking.

"I can do it Nezu! Ok you do it..." Aizawa said surprisingly with no eye-bags. Nezu jumped to Aizawa's shoulder and continued " Congratulations Izuku you passed, with flying marks as well. Your written exam managed to surprise me as you got %100 of the test right. Your psychical exam was no worse as you broke the record of UA with 189 points. Helping others gained you points aswell! Congratulations again Izuku, this is Your Hero Academia!" Nezu ended the recording with a wink.

"WHAT?!" Hanao screamed in shock! Breaking the U.A record? Was that even possible? Did I do that?! 'Ok calm down, you still have to go to school tomorrow remember. Just sleep more and you will be ready." She thought to herself before entering her bed.


Finding the ridiculously big door to 1-A she entered,

"You are disrespecting this school's owner and the property!" Iıda said chopping the air as always.

"I do whatever I want you extra! Get off me before I blow your head off!!"Bakugo replied with sparkles escaping his palms.

Iıda turned his attention to Hanao when he heard her,

"A-ah, Hello Dwusi, can you please help me with him?" Iida said with a softer tone and a small blush across his cheeks.

"Just ignore him, his stance is not comfortable anyway."

"HEY YOU DAMN EXTRA! DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME!!" Bakugo shouted before jumping from his seat with sparkles in his palms.

She put her arms behind and dodged his first attack with ease. Bakugo,a little dumbfounded, jumped for another attack but Hanao already ducked and rolled him over her shoulder.

Hanao was too focused to notice the whole class staring at her. She shrugged and moved to her assigned seat.

Before the class could start to chat and compliment Hanao, Aizawa stepped in, surprised to see his problem child arguing or beating someone.

"Shut it you all!" He announced with his quirk activated.

"If you came here to make friends then leave, it took you 4.5 seconds to shut up!" Exclaimed Aizawa clearly annoyed. Calming himself he continued, "Before we get down, Dwusi can you please come here?" He pointed his side. " Please congratulate your classmate Dwusi as she, broke the record of U.A with 189 points..."


It was complete silence before they started clapping and congratulating their classmate.

Hanao made Iida gain more respect for her, Todoroki interested, and Bakugo very pissed.

"What's your quirk,hero?" A frog-like girl asked.

'I need to upgrade it, blades flying with me yes ok.... That opens potential." She thought to herself before answering.

"I can create and throw two-sided blades out of my wrists, I control their movement too, but only when they are close to me..."

"Isn't that dangerous, hero?" The same girl asked again.
"Yes, yes it is! But down worry I won't hurt anybody unless it is really needed..."

She already figured out how to move things by creating small nano-bots to help her but she needed to control more than 1 thing? That was gonna be hard... 'Eeh, Just another boundary to break...' She thought go herself.

"Everybody meet me outside at the training grounds, you have 7 minutes to change."
Aizawa said, leaving the class to change.

"I know where to change, girls follow me..." A ponytailed girl announced.

"I know where boys will change, come with me in a line!" Iida announced as well, chopping the air as always...


"What?" Hanao asked when she saw the many eyes staring at her.

One girl cleared her nose before speaking,
"It's j-just your body, it's very beautiful..."

"Oh I am very, very sorry!" Hanao responded with a blush, creating a wall of blades she continued changing.

Mentally slapping herself she thought, ' How can you forget!! You're hot as f**k right now!'


"We will be doing a physical test to see your potential, ones that have a utility quirk will be rated differently." Aizawa announced to the excited group of teenagers.

"Sounds like fun!" A pink figure with broken horns said excitedly.

Hanao mentally face palmed because of what happened the last time she said 'sounds like fun!' ( she was almost dying)

"Fun eh? How about the person with the least points gets expelled. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Everybody complained, saying things like

"That's unfair!"

"Not so manly... "

"No, I still have stuff to see!"

It was lighter than what Hanao expected but still was something...

" Dwusi, come here and throw this ball with your quirk."

Dwusi did as told, combining 4 blades and thrusting them with the ball.

"....567 meters.... Dwusi you may go back."

Hanao nodded and went back to the group.

"That's nothing! That extra bitch can only throw 567 meters?! I am better than her!!!"

Angry boi shouted. Before he could continue his nonsense Aizawa interrupted him, eyes glowing hot red,

"Say that again and you will face the consequences."

That warning was enough to shut Katsuki's mouth up.

There were some standouts like the dupli-armed guy and gravity girl but everybody except *the name that shall not be spoken* performed above average.

First came Hanao, second place was owned by Katsuki, Momo was third and Todoroki claimed the 4th spot...

"You shall train for 1 hour, use whatever you want, don't wake me up."

With his final announcement, trainings began!

Le End

I am so sorry for not uploading! I am drawing Hanao/Izuku with her blades and it's hard!

This chapter came out late because of school, as I will soon begin my study for a very important exam.

I am 3 chapters ahead, sooo I might be able to upload 2 chapters tomorrow...

Hope you enjoyed!

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