A fight With Mirio

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Days and days passed, every day they would train for 2 hours and every month, there would be a big practice...

With every single day Hanao could feel something awakening in her, something breathing and alive. She never knew what it was and why it was there but trusted Nedzu's words. "I'm sure someday it will show itself, be patient..." was his words.

'This thing better not kill me!' Hanao thought to herself worryingly, surely she would welcome more power but too much to kill her? That was a no no.

Weeks pasted by in U.A quickly, she got stronger since the first day. In 3,5 weeks she improved surprisingly well, others didn't just sit too, Bakugo's explosions were stronger and Todoroki's ice was cold, cold enough to send shivers through her spine. It wasn't compared to his looks tho, they were what made her want to pass out. It was becoming painful to look at him for too long...Todoroki wasn't feeling any different, when they sat together his heart would go crazy and once, he felt like it was pumping blood purely too his cheeks. But he never thought about telling her about his feelings. Hanao was something else, way....way out of his league. Hanao felt no different, 'He probably has a boyfriend, probably sitting with me for fun...' Was the thoughts of her anxious mind.

But not everybody was improving physically, Koda was breaking his shell, Kaminari came to him about him being gay, Hanao felt really happy when he asked for advice to him, which meant he trusted him and she was grateful. And others were getting more buffed up...


It was middle of English class when the door was knocked,

"Can I have Young Dwusi please?" All Might asked to the perma-excited blonde,

"Yes of course All Might..." Hisashi answered quieter than ever, probably confused to why he wanted her...

He gestured Dwusi to follow All Might, she did so wondering why the Number 1. Hero would call her.

All Might opened a door in the far left of the corridor, revealing a couch, a tea-maker (excuse my use of words) and a blue-eyed energetic teen. He looked as if he could jump and any moment and give a motivational speech, the kind that everybody hated.

All Might sat down and gesturing Dwusi to do the same.

He sparks the conversation,

"If you are confused, don't be... You're not gonna get punished or anything, I just wanted to talk about something "

Making both the teens sigh he speaks again,

"That something is about my power, you see this power is mine, and it's called One For All, it is a stockpiling quirk that can be passed to others."

The blonde student was confused but Dwusi was lost in her own world. As soon as the word "One for All" escaped All Might's lips her head went crazy filling her mind with whispers...

Take it

Need us                      We need it

Enough Power


Rip it

Her body was warping in every way, shape and form, becoming her original avatar then to a random person holding his head,  Momo, Kirishima, Bakugo, it was like her body was taken away from her, twitching and crawling away from that thing.

When she got her control back it was bad... It was his normal form and the room was a mess, tea splashed everywhere, the couch ripped to bits and the chair he was sitting on was gone.

"Are you okay Dwusi! What was that!" All Might shouted from his corner

"I'm fine... I will talk to Nedzu later... What were you saying?" Hanao said warping into her school avatar, smiling like nothing happened at all...

"O-ok," All Might let out, not questioning her shifting,"I don't support doing this but your ideologies are basically the same and I have to pick someone, so you need to..." All Might let out a shaky breath, clearly not liking the situation he was in "Fight."


Hanao activated her high tech hero costume, making it cover her eyes and most of her body...

Holding two blades up Hanao was ready for the fight, if it was gonna cure the silenced whispers than she was OK with fighting this boy...

When All Might started the fight Mirio ran straight to Hanao ignoring the fact that he didn't know her quirk.

Seeing the boy run at him surprised her but she made her move, several titanium blades escaped Hanao's wrists and started orbiting her at dangerous speeds. Hanao wasn't gonna block the attack or anything, she was looking for hints...

Mirio didn't even flinch at seeing the move instead he raised his right arm, preparing for a punch.

'Foolish.' Hanao thought to herself... 'Let's see your quirk!' Was her next thought before sending a high-velocity blade at the speeding boy and one to the ground below.

The blade went straight through Mirio's head making Hanao dive into thoughts...

"He didn't sink into the ground, so it can be controlled in areas, he has great reflexes, must catch him off guard..."

"Distract then a hit to the neck, that's the plan..."

Sidestepping from the incoming blow Hanao created 24 more medium sized blades while running, surrounding her in a lotus shape, she was making her own arsenal of floating blades, some were titanium and some were plastic but they all looked the same from outside,

Sending 2 more blades at him in alarming speeds she waited for his answer... The answer Mirio gave was disappearing into the ground leaving his uniform behind... (In this AU his costume is kept in a special suit which they don't have time to take right now)

Mirio reappeared behind Hanao, hoping to surprise her. But she expected this and answered with 3 blades coming from the top and two from her foot heels.

He had no room left to punch so went back in the ground not realizing Hanao's great plan.

Reappearing again he tried kicking the girl which was answered by her sidestepping again while also releasing 4 blades from her wrists, Mirio phased through them again and again, Hanao never responding to his attacks and just dodging and throwing blades at him...

When he finally had the opportunity the jump and go for a final attack he heard Hanao laughing and her palm open...

Suddenly the ground beneath started rumbling and the swords she released came flying back to her palm.

He was so stupid to not realize, without no choice he activated his quirk on his whole body dodging all the blades coming back.

'I got away easy!' Mirio thought looking down, expecting a frown on Hanao's face, but he was met with a Hanao that held her quirk disabling handcuffs jumping at him...

He activated his quirk on his arms without thinking 'Now I got you!' He thought before the could platinum blade met his neck sideways knocking him out...

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