New Moves

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Ummm... I accidentally played Control for 6 hours.... So yeah here is the chapter IG. 😊

Thinking of new powers was hard and naming them was harder. Aizawa never said to 'find new moves' but Hanao was gonna do that. She just felt responsible. She saw it as her duty to be ahead and more powerful...

Protection was missing in her fighting style. She was throwing her enemies off guard with the help of the ground but still she couldn't take a serious hit.

So she started working on it, first she thought of a simple solution... A wall of blades.

After constructing her wall Hanao asked Sato to punch the thing for her, although sato was going slower then usual it still destroyed the wall, sure she could make it out of xurwesium  but that would drain her energy too quickly.

Second she experimented with long blades made out of platinum, pinning them to the ground to see how it would do. It was better than normal blades but it broke too.

Third she made a shield shape with multiple blades coming of off one singular point. It was stronger but still didn't stand a chance.

Spinning the shield clockwise really helped, making Sato hesitate was also a plus as well but it too broke.

Then, she had a idea, creating 24 medium-sized bladed out of her wrist she positioned them around her body. They were 1 meter away from her,

"Is this really gonna work?" Sato questioned

"Wait till I make them spin!" Hanao replied with a excited tone.

Making them spin around her body really fast. It was fast, very fast that it made a sound similar to a motor accelerating. They pinned faster and faster to the point they looked stationary.

"Hit me!"

"O-ok..." Sato hesitated seeing the blades that were orbiting her flawless body.

When Sato's punch met with the cold titanium many things happened at once.

A sound waved through the room similar to a metal hitting metal.

Sato shot back at immense speed, slamming to the wall.

Hanao's blades stopped at her command.

Everybody looked to the poor boy slammed to the wall and the innocent girl who was sending blades to help Sato.

"My apologies! I didn't know that would happen!" Hanao squeaked out while running to Sato.

One's who got out of shock helped Sato up and Kaminari along with Jiro walked him to recovery girl.

After the shock was over and everybody took control of their body once again Hanao apologised with a sad look,

"I am so sorry everybody for disrupting you" bowing, she got back to training.

There were only 25 minutes left so she just focused on speeding her blades. Now she could go from 0 to 120 kilometres per hour in 0.4 seconds. Although it felt like it wasn't enough, she was still happy to herself improving.


"Sooo Aizawa, I thought you were training a special student 1-0-1..." Toshinori asked hungry for answers.

"He is in disguise as Hanao. Why do you care?"

"Nothing, just wondering..." Toshinori waved him off...


Way to lunch was quiet and everybody had their eyes on her, Hanao couldn't determine if it was because of her body or that she was the one to break the record....

'Everybody already formed a group? Hell people!!" She thought.

Hanao spotted Todoroki, sitting alone in the corner, she already had a special interest for the boy so she sat with him..

"Am I allowed to eat here dear sir?" Hanao asked with a royal accent and a tone.

"Yea, do whatever you want, with that power I don't think I can make you move anyway." He answered with a monotone voice and a slight blush on his cheeks...

Hanao sat down and began to dig into her extra-extra-large Katsudon, she never had been the one to start speaking so she waited for him.

Todoroki soon realizing that if he were not to speak she wouldn't too begin speaking,

"Why did you sit here if you are not gonna speak?" Asked the multi-coloured teen.

"Well I can't speak with people unless they start the conversation first..." Hanao answered covering her cheeks with a thin layer of skin to hide her blush.

"Is it prohibited?" Todoroki asked with an invested tone.

Hanao, giggling answered

"Nooo, I just don't get along well with people..."

The conversation continued for a few minutes. Every second passing Hanao could hear the boys tone getting more alive and alive, she wondered about what happened to him....

We la end

I know it's short but I played at least 6 hours of control and I wrote this in like 39  minutes, it might not be a good excuse but forgive ms plz...

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