After Math-Time Skips

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Hello, yes I am releasing a chapter , also, I edited more chapters so that's that. There aren't very big storyline changes but there are still changes to little details and such.

I know that the story is kinda all over the place right now, so imma make a quick recap and I promise  everything will open up with USJ.

Hanao has One for All but she doesn't use it because if she were to buff up her body all of a sudden, everyone would notice...So she is adding muscle slowly to her body to not raise suspicion.

Hanao has bonds with Objects Of Powers and is a living Altered World Event, I will explain both in USJ.

Hanao's main fighting style is with a battle axe and ruling earth, but she uses Blades cuz it's easier to do so.

Aizawa is a dad figure for Hanao since her Dad is in America and she never saw him.

Katsuki now's about İzuku's quirk and his training, but still is upset to him and wonders why he isn't in U.A.

Spoiler! Hanao will become İzuku again in USJ.

That's it, if you be so patient to wait till USJ. (Next chapter.) You would enjoy the story more I promise! Also, I'm planning to do a better rewrite of this Story so stay tuned? For that.

Thank you, btw I know you are the only one that reads lol.

Also, this chapter is like a chatfic right now because I have to progress the relationships, that's why I don't skip to major events often.

But if you want me to do so, comment on this please!

Anyways enjoy this new chapter!

Todoroki, rather than just standing there, quickly shot up a barrier of ice protecting him. After making sure the ice is thick enough to not completely see him through it, he asked,

"Dwusi, c-can you please lend me some c-clothes?"

"Y-yea ok..." She answered and rushed inside to get some clothes for her crush.

Coming back, she summoned a blade and gently floated it above the barrier before dropping the clothing.

Few minutes later, Todoroki melted his ice and came out fully clothed.

"Well, I guess that's enough for the lesson yeah?"

Todoroki nodded.

"There's nothing else to really learn other than the sharpness and the shape, so practice on those at home and we will do another lesson ok?"

Todoroki nodded before questioning her,

"Dwusi, why did you do this?"

Hanao, asked tilting her head.

"Did what?"

Todoroki responded instantly,

"This lesson, do I pay you now?"

Hanao tried to hold onto her calm face a bit, but she failed miserably and started laughing loudly.

Her laughing lasted a while before Todoroki asked again,

"So I'm gonna give you money or not?" 

After a big wheeze and a heavy breath, Hanao answered,

"N-Noo, Obviously you don't have to pay me!"

She answered, still taking heavy breaths,

"Why?" Todoroki asked bluntly,

"Well, that's what friends do right? Help each other, train together?" She said, questioning the training part, then she whispered under her breath so Todoroki couldn't hear,

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