The mean giant

461 7 36

Name: "Zane, obviously 🙄"

Age: "I'm 26."

Height: "I don't fuckin' know, measure me if you really wanna know." (he's 140 feet lol.)

Personality: "Honestly, I'm an asshole, but if you get to know me, I will protect you with my life. Also, I will eat you if you annoy me enough." (he likes kids 👀)

Appearance: "I have dark red hair, and yes, it's natural, dark blue eyes... uh... I'm strong, if that's relevant. Shirts are overrated, so I just go without one, but I wear jeans and boots. I'm fucking massive, so don't piss me off."

Species: "Giant, duh."

Backstory: "Do I have to..? Fine. I left my mother at 16 because she hated me, I met my wife, had a daughter with her... they died because I can't have a nice life without someone fucking it up. I hate humans, and if you even THINK about bringing her or my daughter up to me, I will destroy you." (tragic 100)

Likes: "Uhh... writing? Eating? I don't know, that's all I fuckin' do."

Dislikes: "I hate slayers. They try to kill me, and they killed my wife and daughter. If you're a human, I hate you."

Power: "I can change from a giant to a human, it just takes a lot of energy."

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