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Name: "M-My name's Hayley..."

Age: "I'm 20, i-if you want to know."

Height: "Uh... 2 inches, maybe? 1 inch and a half?"

Personality: "Um, I'm nice, I'd say."

Appearance: "Have you seen Game Of Thrones? If not, look up Daenerys Targaryen, that's what my hair is. I have green eyes, tan skin, and small cloths as clothing."

Species: "Tiny! Read Three Sizes, you'll understand."

Backstory: "So, pretty much, my village was burned down by humans and I was almost the only survivor. Jake's bro... yeah, maybe that's spoilers. Read my book! I command it!"

Likes: "I don't have much experience with things. But I do like magic!"

Dislikes: "I don't like animals."

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