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Name: "Dessa. Fear me, human!"

Age: "26!"

Height: "Long or tall? Both? So my body is 100-ish feet tall, and my tail is 300-ish feet long!"

Personality: "I try to be nice, but I'm really cocky and confident, which doesn't help me in being kind. I'm proud."

Appearance: "SO, I have tan/brown skin from being in the sun all day, milk chocolate colored hair, and glowing yellow eyes. I wear golden bands around my arms and my tail is like a boa, but dark brown and gold version."

Species: "I am a proud naga, which is a half-snake, half person!

Backstory: "I was born in the desert, raised by a two nagas who aren't even half my size, and here I am! I am the guardian of the desert, and no human dares to go against me. If they do, they die!"

Likes: "Eating humans, when I find water, and cliffs. Don't ask about the cliffs part."

Dislikes: "When humans disrespect me, try to fight me, or go against me. Actually, I kinda like it when humans try to fight me, but other than that, I hate humans."

g/t and/or vore rp!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon