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Name: "The name's Merci. Nice to meet'cha~"
(a/n no, not after the overwatch character)

Age: "22."

Height: "6ft. Don't.. don't say anything."

Species: "Full blooded human."

Personality: "I'm sneaky. I sneak. I also don't care what people think. So.. heh. Prison kinda changed me, so.."

Appearance: "Sharp jawline, very defined cheekbones, very handsome and very sexy. Yes, I will sleep with you. If you promise not to turn me in."

Backstory: "May or may not have been a runaway.. I'm a thief. I steal things. I get paid to steal things and I sell the things I steal. I ran from my parents house.. and once I started thieving... you just can't stop. It's kind of your life now..."

Likes: "Expensive things I can get money for, and food."

Dislikes: "Guards. Competition."

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