The mother

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Name: "My name is Shelby! Hit me up for a fun time~!"

Age: "I'm 29... I'm getting old. *sad noises*"

Height: "I'm 5'3. I'm short."

Personality: "I'll fight you, but I'm not looking for it. Like, don't piss me off. But I'm pretty hard to piss off. Unless you talk about my son, then we're THROWING HANDS!"

Appearance: "I'm brown-skinned, I have dark, curly hair and I have blue eyes. I know, dark skin and blue eyes isn't common, but I have it, ok?"

Species: "Human."

Backstory: "I had my son at 19.. he's 10 now, he's so adorable. His father's out of the picture, unfortunately.. but no one needs him anyway. I guess I had a pretty normal childhood I guess. Both parents, a sister.. ya know, normal stuff."

Likes: "Cheese! Oh, and my son, of course. And fish; they're so cool. But I don't like seafood, which is odd. I like my fish living, thank you."

Dislikes: "Mean people, dogs, rain, the color green, rodents, snakes..."

you know the drill lol

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