one, just leave

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It was late at night when it happened. Around 10 PM. Jasmine was working the nightshift at the Valley's local drug store when she heard loud noises coming from around the front desk.

Jasmine ran out of the backroom with a pocket knife in hand. The man at the front desk looked unfazed by the scene in front of him.

Miguel was holding a bottle of Pepto-Bismol in his hands. Kylar from school was yelling at Miguel and holding him by his shirt. All of Kylar's goons were around him, bullying Miguel as well.

"Hey!" Jasmine yelled, walking towards the group of teens, pointing her pocket knife at Kylar, "Take this outside!" She yelled.

"Estupidos ninos." The store owner at the front desk mumbled, which Jasmine was 99.9% percent sure translated to "Stupid kids."

"Woah, woah." Kylar laughed, dropping Miguel to the ground. Miguel scrambled away to the door, where one of Kylar's friends caught him, "We're just joking around. Put the knife down."

Jasmine sighed, "Leave before I call the cops, Ky." She said as she put her pocket knife away, "And, leave Diaz alone. He hasn't seriously hurt anybody, let alone you."

"Was that an insult?" Kylar laughed, raising his eyebrows, walking backwards, "'Cause, it was weak."

"Just leave." Jasmine groaned one last time before Kylar went outside. She could see through the glass door that they were still going to beat up Miguel, and she didn't really know if she could stop them.

Then, she noticed her dad sitting outside on the curb.

She walked outside, "Dad?" She asked.

Before Johnny could answer, or even turn around to look at her, Kylar was pouring Miguel's Pepto-Bismol on his head.

Johnny knew what was coming and quickly stood up to block Jasmine from pouncing on Kylar and his dumb friends.

"Dad, I have to do something! He's innocent!" Jasmine whisper-yelled at Johnny.

"Stop, dude. It's for my grandma!" Miguel said tiredly.

All the boys, excluding Miguel, laughed as the medicine dripped all over Miguels clothes. Kylar dropped the empty bottle of Pepto on the ground.

"Bitch." Kylar said, slowly walking away.

"Asshole." Miguel groaned.

Jasmine sighed and closed her eyes, "Oh no."

"What'd you just say, Rhea?" Kylar turned back.

"I-I didn't say anything-" Miguel said, getting cut off by Kylar pushing him into Johnny's car.

Shit, Jasmine said internally, Could this night get any worse?

"Hey!" Johnny yelled, walking towards the group of boys, "Watch the car, man. Just leave the dork alone."

Miguel walked over to Jasmine behind Johnny. Jasmine looked at him sympathetically.

"Who's this guy? Eatin' his dinner at the Mini-Mart like a bum." One of Kylar's friends said.

"Wait, wait, I think I know this guy.." Kylar said, "He's the jerk-off that cleaned my dad's Septic Tank."

"Explains why he smells like shit." One of his friends laughed.

Jasmine turned to Miguel after having watched the scene, "Ugh, I can't even begin to say how sorry I am."

Miguel laughed nervously, "No, it's fine."

Jasmine remembered that she always wore an undershirt for moments like this. She took off her tee-shirt that she wore over it and asked Miguel if she could wipe the Pepto off his face.

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