eight, lunch table conversation

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Jasmine didn't understand why every morning, she'd wake up to something new and insane with her dad. Like, yesterday he suggested moving to Australia, and for what? But, now, he woke Jasmine up to tell her he had a full dojo with willing students. 'Willing' was probably the most unbelievable part.

"Do you think you could get Julie to babysit Naya tonight after school? I need you at the dojo." Johnny said to Jasmine as she shoved food in said baby's mouth.

"Why? You know I have work tonight." Jasmine told him without looking up from her daughter.

"Yeah, well, I have a full dojo and I need you there for me." Johnny said again.

Jasmine lookes up this time, "A full dojo? Like, with actual kids my age?"

Johnny laughed, "Well, yeah. Just have Julie stay when you get home and then go to the strip mall right after."

Jasmine sighed, "Dad, I'm already low on money and I still haven't payed this months bills. It's bad enough I'm paying Julie less than what I'm supposed to and she's not even putting up a fight. And now-"

Johnny looked down at her with sad eyes. Jasmine took in a deep breath.

"Look, I'll see if Ricky can let me off earlier than usual tonight. I'll tell him it's a special occasion." Jasmine smiled up at Johnny. He smiled back and kneeled down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Great. Have a good day at school, J." Johnny fluffed her hair before walking off to his room. When he left, Jasmine dropped her smile and sighed again.

"Oh, Naya. What am I gonna do?" Jasmine asked the young girl, "I wish you could talk to me."


The manager of the convience store let Jasmine off early—though with less pay—to go see her dad, as he was right next door. He said if she came back later, she could clock back in and still make her full pay.

As she walked to Cobra Kai, she was surprised to see cars actually filling up the whole lot. I mean, it's a strip mall. For God's sake, it was ridiculous to see.

Jasmine rushed into her father's place of business and smiled when she caught his gaze. 'Hey' she mouthed. He grew a wide grin, spreading across the whole dojo. She quickly raced to his side of the room and engulfed him in a hug.

He didn't really hug back, but he was definitely there.

"So, you really did it, huh? I'm proud of you, Dad." Jasmine praised Johnny.

He smiled, "Really?" He laughed "I'm just as surprised as you are, J. I never thought I'd get to this point."

"Well you did. Good job." The blonde girl finished before Johnny yelled to get everyone to be quiet, like he did with Miguel.

"Face front." Johnny said. Everyone did as told. Jasmine was still standing next to him and noticed Miguel's trained gaze on her almost immediately after looking to the crowd of kids.

Johnny examined the kids closely, finding Demetri.

"Nice shirt." Johnny 'complimented' him. Demetri fell for it but Johnny quickly finished with, "I'm joking. It sucks."

He insulted a couple more kids before Jasmine felt her phone start buzzing in her pocket. She quickly pulled it out and went to Johnny's office for a little space.

Putting the phone to her ear, she was immediately greeted with the voice of her friend, Honey.

"Hey, Weird Name. What's up?" Jasmine started, sitting down in her dad's office chair.

"Hey, J! I was wondering if you were doing anything this evening. I found your friend KC working at this record store and we thought you might wanna go somewhere with us."

"Um.." Jasmine trailed. She wanted to go, she really did. But if she left now, she'd disappoint her father, and she'd miss work. She couldn't do that. She needed money, and her father's trust.

"You don't have to, obviously." Honey told her, "KC just wanted us to all hang out together for once, since I just met him and you two are still new friends."

"Uh, well, Honey, I'd love to. I really would. But I'm at this thing for my dad right now, and I have to get back to work right after this, so."

"No, no, I get it! Please, only do what you feel comfortable doing. I'll see you at school on Monday."

"Of course, Honey. Love ya." Jasmine signed off. She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair, watching through the window blinds as Demetri was talking everyone's ears off, then getting his ass handed to him by Johnny.

"Well that's a lunch table conversation for Monday."


Jasmine slammed her locker shut and pulled out her phone, sending a quick text to Miguel to tell him she was on her way to lunch and that she just had to stop really quickly. She felt a sudden tap on her shoulder, and when she turned around she saw that it was Eli.

Confused was an understatement.

"Eli? What are you doing here right now? Where's Demetri? Why aren't you with him at lunch?" Jasmine asked, crossing her arms.

Eli looked around but laughed a little, "I couldn't find Demetri. He must've been with Miguel because he left me behind. I decided to come looking for you. I'm just surprised to see you at your locker."

"I was too, honestly. But I forgot I put my jacket in here first period before Band, so I came back to get it."

"Oh." Eli said, "That makes sense."

"So, do you wanna get going?" Jasmine asked rhetorically, linking her arm in Eli's and walking down the halls with him.


"So, Demetri, Miguel, Eli, this is KC." Jasmine introduced the boys to her new friend, "KC, these are Demetri Cooper, Miguel Diaz, and Eli Moskowitz, plus Honey Darling whom you've already met."

They all greeted eachother normally, but Jasmine was too close to laughing at the awkwardness. How could greeting one another be awkward at all?

"He's just your friend, right?" Eli asked. It felt personal. He looked serious. So Jasmine acted the same way.

Looking him in his eyes, she said, "Yes, Eli. He's just my friend."

"Good." Eli responded with his hands balled up underneath his chin, perched on the table.


After that, we all got along. I sat by KC so he didn't feel too weird about meeting so many new people. Eli kept his eyes on the way I looked around KC, and vise versa. It was like he was obsessed with the way he thought I gave him up the second I made a male friend without his help.

And he probably doesn't believe I'm only friends with KC. Because Eli doesn't know how I feel about him. He doesn't know anything.

nyneve speaks!
omg??? nyneve??? doing what???
i actually did this in a rush but elismohawk PLS LIKE IT i even added semi-jealous hawk at the end 🤭

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