five, dragon sims

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It had been a couple days since Honey showed up, but she had been spending a lot of time with Jasmine. They had grown pretty close. They hung out a lot at school, and Jasmine would sometimes casually shoot eye-daggers at Yasmine when she'd look at Honey. Honey didn't understand why Jasmine didn't like Yasmine so much, but appreciated Jasmine constantly trying to keep Honey safe.

On a different note, Honey could sense the tention between Jasmine and Eli the second she saw them look at eachother. She knew what topic to avoid from then on. She could also tell Jasmine appreciated Honey's attempts to make Eli smile on bad days.

"Wow, Honey, that's a... great costume."

Jasmine stared at the mirror at Honey's reflection. She was wearing the other half of Aisha's costume that Sam decided not to wear.

Honey laughed at Jasmine's obvious sarcastic tone, "It'll look better once I see Aisha at the dance. We'll match."

"I know." Jasmine said. She didn't exactly know what else to say, wondering if she looked any better.

"You look great, too. It must've been easier to pull of Daisy since you have such short hair." Honey complimented Jasmine.

Thanks for reading my mind, Jasmine thought. And she could've sworn she heard Honey mutter something under her breath, but she brushed it off.

"So," Honey turned to Jasmine, who sat on her bed, "ready to go rock this dance?"


Loud, annoying music played as Honey and Jasmine walked into the gym where the dance took place.

Jasmine quickly caught eye of Demetri, Eli, and Miguel. She signaled Honey to just follow her.

The two girls quickly trotted up to the three boys and greeted them. Most of the greeting was just the boys admiring Jasmine, and giggling at Honey's constume that only two out of the three teens could understand.

"I- I like your dress." Eli stuttered and looked down. Jasmine was 99.9 percent sure he was saying it to her, so she said, "Thanks, Eli. I like your costume as well."

There were lots of smiles for a minute until eventually Demetri, surprisingly, made the first move and asked Honey to dance. Eli asked Jasmine, then realizing that they would be leaving Miguel out.

"No, go ahead." Miguel smiled nervously, "I'll just drink some fruit punch and watch."

"No, no, we can all dance together." Jasmine suggested, "It'll be awkward, but fun."

Miguel smiled and thought for a moment, looking at Eli to ask what he thought. He sort of shrugged and gave a small, tired smile under his mask. Miguel couldn't see that, but he took it as a yes anyways.

"Sure." Miguel laughed. Jasmine grabbed his right hand and Eli's left, dragging them to the dance floor.

For a couple minutes, it did feel a bit awkward. But after a little while, it felt more normal for both boys to be dancing with the same girl, as weird as that sounds.

I mean, a plastic surgeon, a flapper, and a skeleton, dancing all together? Who could even imagine.

Later on, Demetri, Eli, Miguel, and Jasmine all stood around the punch table. Honey had already been gone, hanging out with Aisha. The punch bowls were empty, thanks to the four teenagers.

"Okay, are we ready?" Miguel started, "Lets ask the Dragon Queens to dance!"

The girls - the "Dragon Queens" - were three girls who stood around dancing, looking more like sims than human beings.

Oh, and, of course, there were only three of them. Such a convenient number.

"Slow your roll! We got time." Demetri told Miguel just as a boy walked up to the middle one of the group of girls and took her hand to dance.

Jasmine snorted and looked down, not really listening as the boys complained about needing to go the bathroom, but she heard enough to agree and walked with them, obviously going to use the women's rather than the men's.

When she got in the women's, she noticed a lot of powdered stuff on the counter, along with a very unhinged stall door. She guessed some girls got too high and messed around and broke the door, but didn't clean anything up. This was enough for Jasmine to turn out of the women's and contemplate using the men's. Then, things were quiet for a second and Jasmine could actually hear what was happening in there. It sounded like someone getting beaten up, and as nuch as Jasmine wanted to barge in, she couldn't, so she waited for something to happen. Eventually she could hear a group of boys yelling as they rushed out of the boys locker room on the other side. Jasmine rushed into the men's bathroom and went to the locker room, walking around, looking for whatever. She heard footsteps around the same area she was in and saw her dad, who was staring at Miguel on the floor.

Jasmine's eyes got wider and she hesitantly walked over to Johnny, who hadn't even noticed she was there due to the pure shock of Miguel's condition.

Jasmine took small steps towards Miguel and bent down. She felt some sort of overwhelming emotion that she couldn't quite pin down what it was. It was a mix of anger, sadness, pain, and disgust.

All she knew was that, whoever did this, was gonna pay.

corey speaks!

Jup_Hon4507 the moment we've all been waiting for 😌 (i know its short im sorry)

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