seven, its cobra kai

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So, yes, Jasmine did explain everything to Carmen, and she is allowed to see Miguel again-in the friendly way, of course. Johnny had started training him more, and Miguel was getting better. I mean, as expected. Miguel's strong and talented, and he could knock Jasmine out if he actually tried, though that's something he'd never even black-out and dream of doing.

Aisha told Honey and Jasmine that she joined Cobra Kai, and how messed up he was. Jasmine just laughed it off, but she knew she would have to talk with Johnny. But, until then, back to working at the strip mall.

And while speaking of the devil himself, Johnny Lawrence walked into the convienence store Jasmine worked in. She wanted to say something to him, but he looked tired, and she didn't feel like bothering him. Plus, she was in the back of the store, putting products on shelves. It just wasn't the best time.

He walked to his usual destination and searched for Coors'. Jasmine continued her work as she listened to the music in her earrbuds. She heard the door open once more and turned to see Daniel LaRusso walk in with his clean suit and perfect hair. It almost hurt as she saw the difference between Daniel and Johnny.

Daniel asked for some red spray paint, and the manager went in the back to get some, telling Daniel to watch over Johnny while he was in the back.

Jasmine took out an earrbud when he went off and Johnny decided to converse with Daniel. This never goes well, especially when Johnny was sober.

"Whats's going on?" Johnny asked Daniel. Even though Daniel seemed a little surprised, he answered.

"Oh, just.. checking out the neighborhood." Daniel said, looking out the window a moment, "I was actually considering opening up a dealership on this side of town, but.. now I don't know man. The rent seems to be going crazy out of control. Frankly, I don't know how you afford it, small business like yours. More.. more power to you."

Jasmine started walking down the aisle before Daniel spoke up again.

"You know, on second thought, I don't need the paint. I'm sorry. I'll just take the gum here, and, uh, put that guy's beer on my tab." Daniel pulled out some cash as the manager came back out from the back, "Looks like he's had a rough day."

Then Daniel left, leaving Johnny confused. Jasmine finished her way towards Johnny and walked up to him slowly.

"Hey, dad." Jasmine said softly, "You okay?"

Johnny rubbed his eyes and hung his head low, "Uh, yeah, I'm fine, J. I just need some rest. You should get some, too. School tomorrow." Then he walked around Jasmine and out the door as well. Jasmine took a deep breath and ran a hand through her hair.

"He's right, kid." The manager told her, "You should get home. I'm gonna close up the shop. Drive safe."

Jasmine smiled at him and signed the sheet to clock out of work, which was a useless sheet since she was the only employee. She then left without a word and drove to the apartment complex.


That night, Jasmine called Miguel and they talked for hours. Almost til sunrise. By the time Jasmine got to school, she couldn't keep her eyes open. She talked to Miguel that whole morning, along with Eli and Demetri.

But at lunch, Jasmine realized something. And it would ultimately change Jasmine and Miguel's relationship for the rest of their highschool years. Well, that's if Miguel doesn't stop being a dumb boy and see things clearly.

It started when Sam grabbed her lunch and walked towards her friends table. Her blue dress could catch eyes all over any crowd. She then tried to sit with Aisha, but she wasn't having it. And then, finally, Sam walked up to Kyler.

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