four, honey darling

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Jasmine had been awake since, like, four in the morning. She wasn't proud of her ruined sleep schedule, but she was proud of all the work she had gotten done since she woke up.

Naya was safe in Julie's arms when the tall, brown-haired woman came quietly into the Lawrence's apartment, bearing coffee and biscuits. Jasmine was both internally and externally grateful for this, since she was having one hell of a head-ache and moldy bread was just not gonna do it for Jasmine's stomach and hygiene.

Jasmine had grabbed her bag and struggled to keep her short hair tame as she pulled her comb through the mop on her head. It was like her hair was a brick and it was stuck there with extra glue. Though, eventually, the brick gave up the fight and Jasmine was able to keep it in one place. She had to stick a black hair clip at the front of her hair to keep down a single strand, but other than that, things were actually okay.

She put on her shoes and opened up the front door, only to be greeted by an unfamiliar face.

"Hi!" A girl with long brown hair said excitedly. Her skin was a light brown colour that matched Miguel's almost perfectly, but Jasmine could tell this girl was not Spanish. She wore a light pink dress that had no patters, but the straps hugged her arms and layed right under her shoulders.

"My name is Honey Darling." The girl, apparently named Honey Darling said with a smile.

"Honey Darling? Is this a joke, or-"

"No, no! I'm sorry, I know my name is weird. My mom went with a theme." Honey rambled, "She named my sister Bumblebee and nicknamed her Bee for short. She named my brother Berry, and she named my dog Bark."

Jasmine was speechless, and honestly a little worried.

Jasmine hadn't noticed it, but Honey had a box of something in her hands. Probably cookies or something.

The short-haired blonde closed the apartment door and stood outside with Honey.

Honey started again, pushing a strand of hair behind her right ear, "I just moved into the apartment right next to you. I live with my Grams. I just wanted to greet you and try to make friends. I brought these Cowboy cookies for you." She smiled widely, handing Jasmine the box.

Jasmine smiled slightly. It was more of a smirk, but it was meant to be a smile.

"Right, yeah. I get it now. Sorry, I just wasn't expecting to see someone as peppy as you on my way out to school." Jasmine laughed, "I'm Jasmine Lawrence. You're name is really pretty."

Honey beamed at the compliment, "Thanks! I really like your smile. It compliments your hair! And the hair clip really completes everything!"

Jasmine laughed, covering up her mouth as this was one of the rare moments where she'd laughed so much.

"Do you go to West Valley High?" Honey asked. She didn't have a high voice like you'd expect from such a lively girl like Honey Darling. Her voice was low, but not too low, so a good medium.

"Yes, um, do you?" Jasmine asked back, seeing the bookbag Honey had on her back.

"Yes! This is my first day." said Honey, smiling lightly as she bounced up and down on the tips of her feet.

"Well, uh, would you wanna ride together? I drive a motorbike, so.." Jasmine asked the brown-haired girl. Jasmine was still very tired, but Honey's energy was like coffee, and Jasmine would get more entergetic every time Honey spoke.

"Oh, sure, that'd be great!" exclaimed Honey.

Honey followed Jasmine to her bike and got on the back once Jasmine got on and handed her the helmet. Honey tucked her dress under her legs and bottom to ensure it wouldn't get caught in the tire while Jasmine drove. And after asking about five times if Jasmine was sure she didn't want to use the helmet, Honey gave up when Jasmine said "Wouldn't want to hurt that pretty head of yours." With a smile.

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