three, more than once

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Jasmine quickly swooped food into baby Naya's mouth when she wasn't looking, making the one-year-old giggle a bit but retaliate at the same time.

Jasmine poked Naya in the side lightly to keep the baby laughing happily. She liked hearing her laughing, especially since her laugh was one of the only things that made her happy.

The food wasn't much, but it was enough to keep Naya from starvation. And the milk in Naya's sippy cup wasn't supposed to expire for atleast another week.

There was a knock at the front door and so Johnny went to go open it. He stood from his seat across from Jasmine and Naya at the table where they all ate breakfast together most days.

The door opened and Johnny greeted the woman at the door. That would be Naya's babysitter, Julie Pierce.

Julie walked in and saw Jasmine holding Naya. She smiled widely and 'aww'ed at the scene.

"Is this the little angel I'll be watching throughout your school year?" Julie asked, still smiling.

"I hope so." Jasmine giggled, "Everytime I bring you up, she gets so excited."

Jasmine stood up after setting down the small fork she was using to feed Naya with.

"Sorry, Goodmorning." Jasmine said to Julie, holding out a single hand to greet Julie, "It's nice to finally meet you."

Jasmine had talked to Julie for a few weeks before Julie officially took the job. As far as Jasmine knew, Julie was the only person (excluding her dad) that knew Jasmine was Naya's birth mother. Julie agreed to keep things secret for as long as she possibly could, which was good enough for Jasmine.

"You too." Julie agreed, her smile wavering, "How old is she?"

Jasmine's smile faded a small bit, "Um, a year and a half, I believe."

"She's beautiful. She has your eyes." Julie complimented.

Jasmine huffed a small laugh, "Thankyou. You're too kind."

Julie paused for a moment before asking something quickly, "WoulditbeokayifIholdher-"

Jasmine snorted, nodding, "Of course. I mean, that's part of what I'm going to pay you for, so have at it."

Jasmine carefully gave Naya to Julie, letting out a sigh as she let Naya go.

"I should actually be getting to school now, but call or text me if you need anything at all, alright?" Jasmine told the forty-one-year-old woman.

"Oh, alright. What time do you usually get home?"

Johnny had left the room a couple seconds after Julie walked in, going to his room to dress for the day.

"Around four in the afternoon. Is that alright?"

Julie nodded, "Yes, that's perfect, actually. Will you need me on weekends, or do you usually stay home?"

"It depends, but I'll probably need you on Sunday's, since I usually go to the library those days, if that's alright with you."

Julie nodded, swaying Naya in her arms, "Yeah, it's fine. I guess I'll see you this afternoon."

Jasmine smiled and started walking backwards, "Yup, I'll see you then. You two have fun, and don't burn the whole complex down." She laughed, "The list of current allergies is on the fridge, and there is still good milk inside of it, so today should be smooth sailing.."

(   𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒𝖽𝗈𝗅𝗅   )      𝖼𝗈𝖻𝗋𝖺 𝗄𝖺𝗂Where stories live. Discover now