A Strange Meeting

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It had been a long day, the restaurant was busy all day, but the tips made up for how tired I felt.

"Good night Fred!" I shouted as I let myself out the back door. I was outside heading to my car, for once proud of being a few minutes ahead of my usual late departure, and I was looking forward to picking up Henry and Hope. As I was unlocking my car door, a voice startled me from behind.

"Cristina Mendoza?" The voice seemed familiar, but when I turned, I did not recognize the man who stood behind me, dressed in a gray suit.

"Yes, that's me, but I'm sorry, I have somewhere to be. If you'll excuse me." I turned back and began pulling my door open. The man in the gray suit quickly stepped forward and shut it."Henry and Hope will be fine for a bit longer. I'm afraid that what you and I need to discuss cannot wait. Not now that we've found you."

How did he know about Henry and Hope? No one was supposed to know. Grace would never betray me, and my parents had been dead for three years. The goosebumps and chills along with my now sweaty palms told me to run or at the very least scream. Yet he knew about Henry and Hope, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I somehow knew him, or should.

"Look, I don't know who you are, or how you know about Henry and Hope, but if you don't back off, I will scream." The words came off shakier than I wanted and as I looked around, I realized that the parking lot, though full of cars, was free from any other people. Strange.

"Cristina," the man in the gray suit took three steps back as he spoke. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to frighten you, but I'm afraid the situation warrants a bit of urgency." He looked behind him and shook his head. "Look, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot here, but what you need to know is that I am a friend, a protector really. Why don't you go pick up Henry and Hope, and I will meet you back at your apartment in Kenstein. I won't be far behind, but I will try to keep my distance, to make it more comfortable for you."

"Comfortable? You cannot follow me around. Now, I am going to get in my car and drive off, and if I see you or anyone else following me, I will call the cops. Understand?"

"Cristina, your father once told you that he felt he was being watched. He was, ever since he was tested at the academy, your father was a target of powerful people. These same people still exist, and they will eventually find you. More importantly, your father was right about everything. The stories he told you are true. What he didn't know was that you would be in danger. Stars fall and stars are born. Always look to the stars as you dream, they will keep you safe."

Hearing the man in the gray suit use my father's favorite lines, I was dumbstruck. Growing up, my father had repeated the same two lines at the closing of all his stories. I'd continued the tradition with Henry and Hope, but no one else knew those lines. My father said the stars were our secret. Yet here was a strange man repeating those same lines.

"Who exactly are you and how do you know my father?" Though I really should be going, as I was now late, curiosity kept me grounded.

"Fair question. My name is David. I am here to protect you. There is a lot more I need to say, but right now, we are running out of time, and this is not the right place to have this conversation. Once we are back in your apartment, I will tell you more, and I will answer any questions you have for me. That is a promise. Now, will you trust me?"

"Yes." Though I didn't know David, my gut told me I could and should trust him, so I found myself in my car headed to pick up Henry and Hope from daycare. As I watched the rearview mirror, I noticed a black SUV a couple of cars back and something told me David was the driver.

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