A Compromise

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"I can protect her tonight. It will be easier than before simply because she'll at least know I am there. If Brock is up to it, he can meet us, and we can all come back here together. One more night won't."

"One night can make all the difference," Ryan interrupted me to pull rank.

Before I could respond, Cristina spoke up.

"That's true, and I know that first hand. I've lived 25 years without your protection, except for one night, I've been fine. I gave David the benefit of the doubt, and it's why I came. He promised me that no harm would come my way, and I believed him. If he's to be my protector, I need to trust him, and he can start earning that trust tonight."

Cristina was feisty, and it was impressive. Not many people dared to disagree with Ryan in public, and definitely not to his face.

"Very well," Ryan conceded. "David will return with you and accompany you to pick up your children and back home. You are not to make any other stops. David will stay to protect you, and tomorrow, we can discuss future arrangements and rules."

"Thank you," Cristina said and then turned to me. "I want to leave now. Henry and Hope don't stay after school on my days off, and school will be out soon."

I nodded, and Cristina and I turned to leave. She was almost out the door when Ryan spoke again.

"Cristina, stars fall, and stars are born. Always look to the stars as you dream; they will keep you safe."

She turned with a sad smile.

"Why do all of you know those lines?"

"They are part of our creed," I quietly said to her.

"I... I guess I have a lot to learn."

With that, we were off. When we got to the parking lot, I pointed to her car, which Brock had fortunately driven.

"We can ride together, or I can follow you. Your choice?" After tomorrow, there wouldn't be many choices for her, for tonight, I would try to give her as many as possible.

"I feel well enough to drive and could use the space. I'm not certain what, if anything, I should share with Henry and Hope. Your presence last night was new enough."

"I understand." I truly did.

She had hidden Henry and Hope from practically everyone. Both for their protection and hers. The secrecy around their births and parentage had been buried behind many sealed records, even for us. Their existence had been the last piece of the puzzle we had put together that pointed us to Cristina in the first place.

"I'll take the lead to get you out of S.K.I.A. headquarters. Once we cross the protective barrier, you may feel a shift. It won't last long as I will throw a shield over you to protect you and those around you."

"Protect me how?"

"My gifts as your protector allow me to cast shields that cannot be penetrated by anyone I don't allow while I am conscious of keeping it up."

"Is that why no one was at the park or the diner parking lot?"

"Not exactly. My power is limited in range. Brock was present at both of those locations, and his power allows him to not only shield a larger area but to also protect the area by erasing it from anyone's knowledge."

"I don't understand how you can forget a place. Especially one you were just at or constantly visit."

"In the diner, anyone who wanted to leave or enter it felt a pull in their mind that convinced them otherwise. The diners present simply felt compelled to stay where they were. Anyone attempting to reach the diner felt compelled to visit a different place to eat."

"So he tricks people and controls their decisions?"

"Only on places he shields mentally. It's not something he often does. Brock's shield is mostly used to protect from outside attacks without entering others' minds. He prefers not to use that part of his shield abilities if he can help it."

I added the last part to ease the concern I felt coming from Cristina. When I had explained the mental block part of Brock's shield, I had seen her shock and sensed that she disapproved of it.

"Well, I would prefer if Brock and anyone with the ability to enter my mind would stay far away from it."

"It's not something you will ever have to worry about."

"Why not?"

A dangerous question. I toyed with the idea of a white lie but decided it wasn't worth losing Cristina's trust.

"I'll save that answer for tomorrow. It will give you a reason to come back here."

Unsurprisingly, Cristina pouted, got in her car, and shut the door. I smiled as I got in my black S.U.V. and drove out, leading her out of S.K.I.A. headquarters. 

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