A Connection Is Made

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I knew his promise was real and heartfelt. I felt it in every fiber of my being. I also knew he was right, and we were meant to be friends, that feeling of knowing him was there all along. That's why I stood and took the hand he offered me. What I did not expect was what happened next.

As soon as I took his hand, the world stopped, and I felt a strange sensation all over. I also couldn't let go of David's hand. I stood there watching as things around me all of a sudden looked like disco balls, full of strange lights. My body began to shake, and I felt dizzy and completely overwhelmed. I tried again to let go, but I couldn't. I heard David shouting my name. It sounded far away. Everything was spinning, and my body felt unnaturally light. Then the world went black.

When I opened my eyes again, I was staring at a white light above me—an overhead lamp. I hear beeping sounds on and off. I turned my head slightly and saw David speaking to two other men; his back was facing me.

"David," I whispered, but it was enough for him to turn around.


I sensed his relief and felt his worry as he came closer. One of the men stayed where he was; the other, a tall redhead, followed David.

"Where am I?" My head started to hurt. "What happened?" I was tired, and I felt like I had not slept for days.

David didn't answer; instead, he turned to the taller man behind him. The taller man looked at me closely with his bright green eyes. I felt naked like he was somehow seeing everything inside of me. His stare lasted only a few seconds, but it felt longer.

"Hello Cristina, my name is Ryan. Welcome to S.K.I.A."

His voice was kind and hypnotic. I felt myself relaxing immediately.

"I'm afraid that you had a strong reaction to your protector's touch—something we were not prepared for. David has filled me in on what you told him. You've been unconscious for four hours, and I can sense that you want to sleep again. It would help if you fought it. You must stay awake."

Four hours?!? What about Henry and Hope? It must be close to the end of their day. I had to get out of here, but I knew that was impossible. Not because I knew David and Ryan would not let me leave, but because I was fighting back a wave of tiredness that was threatening to make me sleep against my will. Ugh. The feeling was not new, but the intensity of it this time was.

"My k-." I started to ask about Henry and Hope, but I wasn't sure if it was safe. After all, there was another person in the room who I had yet to meet.

"Henry and Hope will be fine. I will pick them up and bring them over shortly." David spoke quietly, and he reached for my hand but stopped himself. He turned towards the other man in the room.

"This is Brock." He gestured behind him.

Brock was also tall and looked to be in his early 40's. He was only slightly shorter than Ryan, and his thick arm and chest muscles were easily seen through his black t-shirt. Brock smiled and bowed as he approached me.

"Hello, Cristina. It's nice to finally meet you. All of us have been anxiously waiting for your arrival."

"Hello." I wasn't sure what to say to him.

"Don't worry about Henry and Hope. I will accompany David and trust me when I say no one will get close enough to hurt them. They will be safe with us."

Again, I knew he meant it, and looking at him, I knew he was strong enough to inflict a lot of pain if he wanted to.

"Th-thank you." Again, the feeling that I needed to fall asleep came on strong. Fighting it appeared to be a losing battle, so I let it take me back into darkness.

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