A Tiny Spark

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"I won't touch you. Not yet, at least. After what happened at the park, I'd feel safer waiting until we are back at headquarters. I can try to show you the light that is inside of you. It's dimmed, but it's there. To do so, I will need to take down the shield around you."

"But Henry and Hope.." She turned to look back at them again.

"The shield around the apartment will remain. Henry and Hope will be safe. The shield I have around you is different. It's like a mask. My power clings to the light around you and dims it even more. It prevents others from seeing the light inside of you."

"Why do I need a shield mask if my powers are hidden?"

"Because your powers were hidden at their infancy. They've grown since whatever was done to hide them. Your father must have anticipated they would grow, but he underestimated Cristhow much. We caught just a hint of your power back in Eaton."

"You were at my college? When?"

I didn't want to answer this. We suspected why Cristina had all of a sudden appeared on our radar. The timing made sense once we discovered the sealed police and school records.

"If I tell you, it will upset you, so before I tell you, let me try to answer your original question."

She was mad. She had scooted to the edge of her seat, and the energy around her had shifted. Unstable. It was now or never. Slowly, I peeled back the masking shield. Looking straight into her eyes, I held her stare.

"I'm going to try to magnify what is around you. Please keep your eyes open and do not look away from me. Got it?"

She didn't say anything, but I could see her jaw clench, and she didn't look away. It was hard to pinpoint, but the spark was in the center of her pupils. Truthfully, I'd never tried this with anyone without help. I should have waited, but it was too late to back out.

Staring right at the tiny spark, I took the small bit of power in me and pushed it out of me towards Cristina. A little black orb appeared and hovered between us.

"Don't look away. We need to give it time to sense you."

If this worked, the tiny orb would sense her light and pull it out. Five minutes of silence and nothing. My sensor beacon wouldn't last much longer. I could already see it dimming on the edges. I was about to look away and break the connection when the orb shifted and grew. I had to take several steps back, away from the orb, while keeping my eyes on Cristina. Her pupils were dilated, and the tiny spark was now more prominent. It was working. Before I could say anything, I felt the warning, but it was too late.

A light, brighter than the morning sky, blasted me back. I had to shut my eyes. I knew my sensor beacon was gone when I sensed my power return to me. I tried to open my eyes, but it was too bright to see anything. Cristina... what had I done???  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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