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Cristina slept for another two hours while Ryan worried and tried to wake her. Nothing he tried worked, and he refused to let me touch her again. Why had my touch affected her so strangely? If I was being honest, it affected me as well. I could still feel the connection, this new energy between us, and I could sense there was much more to uncover.

Finally, Cristina awoke again. I felt it before I saw her eyes open.

"She's awake again."

I turned to Ryan, who was speaking hurriedly with Brock. Brock has never had to use his powers at S.K.I.A. headquarters before, and I knew Brock was uneasy about doing so now. He has also been using his powers for too long now and would need to rest soon.

Before we could stop her, Cristina sat up.

"What did you do to me?"

She was upset, I could feel the sharpness in her voice, and I felt a sense of anger and fear in her.

"I didn't do anything, Cristina. Not intentionally. All I did was offer you my hand to bring you here. I had no idea it would impact you the way it did. I meant no harm, truly."

"I know."

She spoke softly, but she meant it. She was afraid and wanted to blame someone, but she believed me. Before I could say anything else, Ryan spoke. What did that mean?

"Cristina, what did you feel? If you could share it with us, we may be able to help."

She looked at him and said nothing.


She looked at me, but again she remained silent. I was about to shake her shoulders when she finally sighed.

"I felt... I don't know how to describe it. Overwhelmed. That's the only word I can think of, and I wanted to let go of his hand, but I couldn't."

She spoke and looked to Ryan, not me. I tried not to take it personally. It was good she was talking to Ryan already.

"I need to get Hope and Henry. I don't want them to come here. I don't know if I should even be here."

She emphasized the I, and her honesty, especially with Ryan and Brock in the room, surprised me. What made her speak so openly when she had done everything she could to get rid of me last night and this morning? She wanted to leave, and I had agreed to let her, but I knew Ryan would not let her go.

"You belong here," I spoke out of turn, but I knew the words needed to be said.

"We can leave. I agreed to let you go at any time, but your safety and that of Henry and Hope are at risk without us."

"I want..."

I didn't let her finish.

"No, right now, you just listen." I interrupted her rudely, and I could sense she didn't like it.

"I know you noticed there were no cars outside the diner when we met, and I know you noticed no people at the park earlier today. It surprised you, didn't it?" I knew it had.

"Brock was at both meetings. That's a part of his gift, and right now, he is keeping everyone at S.K.I.A. away from this room to give you the privacy you asked for. Can't you tell he's tired?"

I was pulling at her heart already; I knew she hated to cause any pain or suffering to anyone. It was a low blow, but one I had to make.

Cristina - The Last Star ChildWhere stories live. Discover now