Watching and Waiting

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Was I surprised that Cristina pulled over? No. I had seen the look she gave me as she spotted me outside her apartment building and while dropping off her children. I also knew it was Henry and Hope that had prevented her from confronting me. Yet, I hoped she might give me another chance to earn her trust. I was wrong.

I'd watched over her and her children all night. When I checked in with Ryan, he had insisted I was not to leave her side until she was brought in to S.K.I.A. headquarters. With the drone, I noted Cristina slept with her window uncovered, facing the window as she slept. The same thing with her children. I smiled. I also sensed the first true sign that she was a Star child. While she slept, the stars shone brightly and were pulled to her. It was amazing. I could see their light shining a path directly to her. I had not seen that before, not that strong at least. Doing my duty as her protector, I cast a shield around her building to mask the light.

"How had no one noticed? How had we missed that?"

The stars came awake for her. Her power, though hidden, was pulling them near. It had been amazing.

I also felt her now that I knew that her powers were hidden. When she dialed 911, I laughed. Cristina had been true to her word. Well, she was in for a surprise, as 911 was not going to pick up. No. I had already taken care of that. Though she could try to avoid us, she was under S.K.I.A. protection now. Time to try again.

"Good Morning Cristina. I see you made good on your word to call in."

I sensed her surprise and felt every word she screamed.

"How are you on the line? You are not 911. What have you done to my phone?"

Oh, she was mad. Well, I had to get through to her somehow.

"Cristina. Whether you like it or not, you and your children are under S.K.I.A. protection. 911 cannot help you with what you are truly in danger of. Now, how about we go somewhere to talk. Five minutes. If you give me five minutes, I will leave you alone afterward if you still don't want to come in."

"YOU WANT FIVE MINUTES? HOW ABOUT I TAKE FIVE MINUTES AND DRIVE OVER TO THE PRECINCT TO TURN YOU IN!" Cristina was screaming in her car. I could see and feel her rage.

My shield around her was being stretched thin. Her wild emotions were interfering. I was also impressed with her threats. I considered disabling her car and letting her find out the hard way that she and I had to talk, but I thought better of it. Five minutes, she would give me that.

"Yes, I want five minutes. Besides, I heard you tell Henry that you and I would continue our discussion today. I don't believe you would lie about that, would you?"

I was pressing a button and hitting a nerve. I knew that, but it was worth it. Cristina had to hide many things, but lying was the one thing she avoided at all costs. I had seen that first-hand last night. How much it had cost her to lie to her children as to why I was really there.

Silence. Her breathing slowed. Finally, she spoke.

"Five minutes. Meet me at Kenyon park." Click. The phone line went dead, and I saw her drive off. Kenyon park was not far. Five minutes is what she agreed to, so I had to make them count—no more mistakes. 

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