A Night of Change

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Driving towards the school, all I could think about was how none of what had occurred in the past 48 hours made any sense. Honestly, I was sure I would wake from this crazy dream and laugh about this over coffee with Grace.

Grace, crap, I needed to call her, or I knew she would worry and visit, which may not be the best idea right now. But, what to tell her? Grace was the one person left in this world whom I trusted wholeheartedly. She was the only one who truly knew me, and I didn't want to keep any of this star child business from her. Star child, I wasn't sure what it meant. Perhaps I needed to understand it more, though it would help to have someone to discuss things with. David had been helpful, but I wanted someone on the outside to help me make sense of it all.

I picked up Henry and Hope from school, and as I drove home, I explained to them that my new friend David would once again be joining us.

"Why, mama?" Henry asked.

I didn't want to lie, but I wasn't sure what to say. How do you tell a five-year-old that powers he reads about and sees in movies are real without sounding crazy? In the end, I settled for the limited truth.

"David is helping me understand some things that are new to me. He knows a lot about these new things and has offered to guide me as I learn them."

I realized then that I was too vague... things? What things? I fully expected Henry to see right through my non-answer.

"I'm glad we'll see him again. I liked him." It was Hope who spoke up in her soft voice. I was surprised at her remark.

"You like David?"

This time both Henry and Hope answered.


I smiled at them as we pulled into the parking lot at home. David met us at the door and said a friendly greeting to Henry and Hope as we headed inside. Henry and Hope were used to their after-school routine, which consisted of a quick wash-up, a small snack, and homework time while I usually cooked and did my homework. I wasn't sure what David would do while I took care of things, but he stepped in before I could ask him.

"If you don't mind, I brought over some items I'd like to set up around your apartment for surveillance. I can work on that while you get things situated for the evening. I promise I won't get in the way."

"What type of surveillance?" I wasn't sure I liked the sound of cameras inside my apartment. I valued my privacy.

"Our standard surveillance will allow us to manufacture shields around a location for short periods while detecting foreign presences and energy signals outside. I installed cameras for external monitoring yesterday, and I'd like to install some inside if you allow me to."

"Are they necessary?" It was frustrating, though not surprising, to know he already had cameras on me from outside. When exactly had he installed them? I'd seen him leave last night... Then I remembered what he'd said in front of Ryan... "she'll at least know I am there."

"You were here last night. How? I saw you leave."

David smiled with a sheepish grin.

"I knew you would be watching, so I drove away and returned on foot. The hour or so it took to come back here without you detecting me was nerve-wracking. Especially when I saw the way the stars pulled to your window. They were practically an arrow pointing anyone who knew what to look for straight at you."

"The stars pulled to my window?" What was he talking about? I'd seen nothing abnormal in the sky last night.

"You were asleep, facing the sky with your window open. As you slept and the night grew darker, the light of the stars, the essence, and fuel of all star child powers, shone straight to you. Your powers may be hidden, but the starlight recognizes its essence inside of you. All star children use the night to recharge, which is when you are both at your strongest and weakest. The amount of light I saw you pull in last night, I've never seen that before. It's usually more subdued, and the star child usually has to work to draw the light in larger quantities."

David was calm as he spoke. He had thus far answered all my questions which surprised me a little. I didn't understand how I had charged my powers I didn't know I had in my sleep, but asking him about that seemed to be pressing my luck a little too much.

"Alright, you can install what you need to except the cameras. If you must install them, I'd prefer you limit them to the kitchen, living area, and the small hallway towards our rooms, but no further. I want to retain some sense of privacy."

"I can agree to that." David started to open his bag and pull out items as I headed to the kitchen.

An hour later, we sat around the dining room table, eating and chatting lightly. Henry and Hope asked David a lot of questions which he answered cheerfully. He'd even explained the new equipment around our apartment as part of what he was teaching me. He told them he needed to see what I did at home to help him understand how best to teach me. After dinner, we played a round of Hungry Hungry Hippos and Candyland before Henry and Hope were off to bed.

I excused myself to help them, leaving David alone in our sitting room. Tonight had been different but not unpleasant. Yet as I headed back to where I knew David was, I felt a bit nervous. I had more questions to ask, but I wasn't sure I was ready for the answers. I also didn't know what answers David was free to give me. If he answered to Ryan... Shaking my head, I entered the room and took the chair across from him.

"I have a few more questions..."

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