A Promise

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Her father knew more than we ever thought possible and more than S.K.I.A. itself if he was able to hide and suppress her powers. I could see a wave of realization and shock on Cristina's face. From her story, it was clear this mystery woman suppressed her powers that night. Her age, 8, made her a bit of a late bloomer, but the simple fact that she had gotten so very sick meant her settling was not normal. The reaction to her powers is not what we expected, and I had no idea what Ryan would make of this.

Cristina was silent after she finished recalling that night, and the fact she told me everything she remembered gave me hope. I saw my chance to earn and hold her trust, and I was going to take it.

"I'm sorry for making you bring up memories from your past, and I am thankful that you shared this with me. I know you are hesitant to trust me fully, and I know how much you've gone through—all of it. Trust me, I get it, but I'd like to bring you to S.K.I.A. headquarters if you let me. We can talk to our leader, Ryan, you can meet the other Star children, and we can help you process and understand what happened."

I wasn't sure these were the right words, but it was truth and rawness. I genuinely wanted to help Cristina, Star child, and my duty aside.

Cristina looked at me and stayed silent for a few more minutes. I could tell she was thinking, and occasionally, I saw her move her lips slowly. I could also feel a range of emotions flowing out of her with my shield. Sadness. Anger. Fear. Anxiousness. They were all there.

After a bit, I felt the emotions settle into one. Determination.

"Alright. I will go with you but under three conditions. One, I can leave at any point, and if I choose to leave, you will stay away from me, meaning I will never see you. Second, if what you said about knowing my past is true, I ask that it stay as private as possible, and I need to know who has access to that information. I don't want my past to harm my children's future. My final ask is that you stay with me at all times while at this headquarters. Something in me wants to trust you, but S.K.I.A has not earned my trust. Do we have a deal?"

She wanted to make a deal even though she knew she couldn't call anyone. Smart girl. I knew that what she wanted by making these asks was my word and promise that taking this chance would not hurt her or cause her regret. Well, that was easy to agree to because the last thing I would ever want was for her to be hurt. She'd gone through too much already.

"We have a deal, and I will throw in a promise as well." I walked up to her, knelt, and held her stare. "I promise that I will not allow anyone to hurt you, Henry, or Hope. Not as a representative of S.K.I.A. but as a friend. We were meant to be friends, and you and I both know that is true."

Where did that come from, and why had I said that? I meant it, but I didn't mean to say all of it. Staring into her eyes, though, I felt called upon to say what I said. Was this part of her power? I shook my head and stood up, holding my hand out for her. 

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