The Unexpected Star

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She was direct. I knew I should answer quickly, yet where to begin? There was so much to tell her. After a pause that would have frustrated most people, I finally decided to start with her father. I also decided to ask her some questions along the way, after all, we were all curious to know just what knowledge Antonio Mendoza had passed on to his only child.

"Your father, Antonio, was a brilliant man, much too brilliant in fact. His mind was unique, and his curiosity and ability to see beyond things helped him to find the stories of the Star children. Have you heard of them before?"

It should be an easy question for her to answer, I expected a yes, but she seemed confused. I could see her mouthing star children to herself.

"No. My father never talked about star children. The closest thing to stars he ever spoke of was the ending to his stories. Stars fall and stars are born. Always look to the stars as you dream, they will keep you safe."

She paused to take a small breath, and I could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke the last lines to the S.K.I.A. (Star Knowledge Intelligence Agency)creed.

"You said the same lines to me earlier. That's why I let you in. My father told me stories every night before bed for as long as I can remember. Each story always ended the same way. I've never heard anyone else say those same lines. Who exactly are you and who are the Star children? And what does my father have to do with them?"

Her father had told her stories, she knew our creed, but yet she knew little of who we were. Ryan had warned me that Cristina was likely oblivious to who she was and who we were, but I had argued that she must know more than we thought. Though she seemed confused, I truly believed that I was right. I decided the best thing to do was stick to the facts.

"The Star children are gifted humans who all possess special powers and abilities. I work for S.K.I.A., the Star Knowledge Intelligence Agency, and we are tasked with protecting the Star children and keeping as much harm from happening in the world as possible." I meant to continue but stopped as I heard her giggle.

"You do realize that everything you are saying sounds completely unbelievable right? Agencies, powers, those are things you see on TV or read in comics. None of that is real. I don't know what you want from me, but I think it's time for you to leave." Cristina stood up and motioned to the door.

I could tell she was upset and sensed that she felt I had wasted her time, but I could not leave her. Not like this. Although I stood up, I had to get her to change her mind quickly.

"Cristina. I know this sounds insane, but I promise you it's all true. You are a Star child, the fifth and final Star child of this century." She was still staring at me, clearly upset. Out of desperation, I went back to her father's stories.

"In your father's stories, he told you to look to the stars. It's true. The Star children are sent every century to protect the world from harm. Like the lines say, Star children are born at random intervals, and S.K.I.A. exists to find them and protect them. However, we are not the only ones who search for them. Throughout history, Star children have been murdered and exploited for their powers. Your father was a life-long detective and he discovered S.K.I.A., the Star children, and unfortunately, he also found our enemies. They wish to cause harm to others and continue to work in the shadows, causing chaos and disruption across the world. In politics, financial institutions, technology, several groups work to advance their interests above others. Star hunters, that's what we call them. Your father and mother's death, we have reason to believe they were killed."

"Get out. Right now."

Cristina was beyond upset. I had hit a nerve.

"My parents died of dementia within days of each other. They were not murdered. Whoever you are, you need to stay far away from me and my children. If you come anywhere near me, I will call the cops without hesitation."

She opened the door and forcefully pushed me out. Things had gone south quickly, as she closed the door, I tried one last thing and stuck my arm in the door frame.

"Cristina, somewhere in your father's stories, I am sure he told you of us. You are a Star child, think, I beg you. Dig deep, I am telling the truth, and you and your children are in danger. You need our protection. Please. Think it over."

"Remove your hand at once before I scream."

She was too upset so I did as she asked. I would drive off but come back on foot to watch over her. She could not be left alone. Tomorrow, I would try again.

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