True to Her Word

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When I woke up, I could already hear giggling. Henry and Hope were casually waiting in their rooms. It was tradition that we would look out to the sky and greet the day together. No stars, but we knew they were there. Last night was hard. Though I had slept, I felt tired. It had taken me longer than normal to sleep, and then, it was morning. I never remembered my dreams, but last night, I felt like a fog was blocking my brain and preventing me from seeing something. Odd.

I went over to Henry and Hope's room, and together, we looked at the sky from their window.

"Until tonight." The three of us spoke and sent kisses to the blue sky for the stars.

After breakfast, Henry and Hope hurried to grab their school bags. As I walked to our apartment door, I saw that a folded paper was on the floor. Though I hoped it was from my landlord, I knew that it was from David before reading it. I picked it up and threw it in my purse without reading it. It could wait.

Once Henry and Hope were ready, we headed outside. David's black SUV was parked in the end, and he was standing outside of it, looking straight at me. I tried not to let it rattle me and continued towards my car.

"Mommy, that's your friend, isn't it?" Henry was observant and had also noticed him. He was even pointing at David.

"Yes, it is. He and I have more work to do today." A lie, but a necessary one. I didn't want Henry and Hope to be scared. Once I dropped them off, I would call the cops.

I pulled out of the parking lot, and sure enough, David followed. I drove straight to Henry and Hope's school and walked them inside. I could feel David staring at me. It was not an unpleasant feeling, but it was uncomfortable.

"Have a good school day." I kissed them both on the cheek, they kissed their star necklaces, and happily went off to put their stuff away in their classroom.

The star necklaces. A gift from my father. They both wore one, as did I. My father said they would protect us, and anytime I had to part from my father, he had me kiss the star for protection until he returned. Again, I'd kept the tradition going with my children.

David was waiting and watching as I got in my car. I thought about walking up to him in the parking lot, but I didn't want to make a scene. Instead, I waited until I was back in my car and a few miles away from the school before pulling over and dialing 911. David had followed me and was also pulled over a few car lengths behind me.

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