A Night of Questions

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Was I surprised that she had questions? No. She was bright, so it made sense that she would want as much information as possible.

"I won't promise that I have or can give you all the answers you seek, but I can try. Some things are best left for tomorrow. Any answers I can't give you tonight, you can ask Ryan about tomorrow."

She nodded, and I saw her lips purse a little, but then she began what would no doubt be a long line of questions.

"You said Star Children have gifts. Powers. You told me Brock's were strength and shields. You said I was the fifth Star Child. What powers do the other Star Children have, and how and when did you find them?"

She was going right for it then. It wasn't that I couldn't answer her, but she would have more questions, and if this went where I thought it might... I might lose her cooperation sooner than I hoped. I took too long to answer because she pressed on.

"Did I already ask something you can't answer tonight? If so, that's not very reassuring."

"You ask a lot." Boy, she was impatient... I'll add that to my notes on her.

"Brock is the oldest Star Child, and he is 38. We found him when he was ten years old. He was the first one this century. Clara and Karl, we found in the same year, about two years after Brock. They were nine at the time. The fourth Star Child, Amy, was identified when she was 18, a bit later than normal but not unheard of. You are the fifth Star Child and the one we spent 25 years looking for. Your age, it's never taken this long to find a Star Child before."

"So I am old then? By your standards."

"Yes and No. Brock is the oldest, and Amy is currently 21. You are old only because you are untrained and have no knowledge of our world and how we see it. Your training will be unique and a first for us. Especially since your powers remain hidden."

"What about Clara and Karl? How old are they now?"

I knew she would ask, and there was no way around this, but I hesitated. I didn't want to push her away already.

"Clara and Karl died eight months ago."

"They're dead?!"

I tensed, feeling her surprise, shock, and a hint of sadness.

"Yes. All Star Children are gifted, but you are all human, mortal. You can be killed."


"We were on a mission, and things didn't go as planned. We hesitated where we should not have, and it cost us. Clara and Karl both died to save Amy and the mission. We failed in what we set out to do, but Clara and Karl's death still allowed us to save lives. It's been Amy and Brock only since then."

"Is that why you insist that I am in danger?"

Fear. She was trying to hold it back, but I could see the fear in her eyes. I also knew that the fear was not for her safety. No, her fear was for Henry and Hope.

"Not exactly. As a Star Child, you are in danger and always will be. As the fifth Star Child... the danger is greater. Ryan will explain why tomorrow. You'll also meet Amy then."

"I..." Cristina looked back towards the back of her apartment where her children slept.

"Cristina, I promise you that you, Henry, and Hope are safe tonight. Ryan will share more about his plans for all of you tomorrow. Tonight, you need to trust me."

"It's not that I don't want to trust you. It's more that I can't. The danger I am now in is all due to you. You found me and brought this on to me. And for what? I know nothing. I feel nothing in me that is even a tiny inkling of hidden powers. How do I know that I am who you think I am. What proof do you have? Why do all of you believe I am this fifth Star Child?"

She was shaking, and her words were more a plea than a question.

"Cristina. We know it's you because I sense it. Under normal circumstances, I would be able to help you see and sense it too, but with your powers hidden and blocked, I don't think I can show you."

"Can you try? Please."

She held out her hand and looked at me, and it was her eyes. I couldn't say No. I was going to hear it from Ryan tomorrow. 

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