I woke up in a room that I didn't recognise and started to panic, before quickly remembering what happened last night and calming down. I turned around to see Jj layed facing me. I smiled and snuggled into him a bit, trying not to wake him. Then around 5 minutes later I turned back around and reached for my phone which only had 10%, great. I turned it on and my phone instantly starting blowing up from messages probably from Katie.

Where are you?
Are you okay?
Answer me please
Where did you go last night?
Why didn't you tell me?
Please Abs I need to know your okay!

Ffs Katie I'm fine! I stayed at Jjs last
night because I went home with him!




I saw you making out with him last night Katie💀💀

Oh shit

ahahaha well gtg now Jj just woke up

Okay have fun 😏😏

Ffs Katie

"Morning" I said to Jj.
"Morning gorgeous" he said in his morning voice. Fuck that was hot.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Fine" I said "and you?"
"Yea I slept great, since I was next to you" he said causing me to go bright pink he couldn't see it tho since I wasn't facing him.
I turned around to face him and he smashed his lips into mine. His hands started roaming my body and I pulled back which caused a load groan to come from him.
"We just woke up!" I said laughing
"Soo?" Jj said dragging out the O.
"So we should not have sex we should have breakfast" I said
"But the first option sounds so much better" he whined with pouted his lips
"That's a shame your not getting it then" I whined matching his energy completely. He chuckled and I got up to go and find my dress which I spotted easy in his room since it was bright pink. I then looked around for my bra and thong which I found on the other side of the room. I put my bra and thong on then went to put my dress on and Jj stoped me by throwing me some clothes, I didn't even notice he got up.
"Wear those, can't go back home in the cold in that" he said
"Thank you Jj" I replied putting the trackies and jumper on that he gave me.
"It's all good" he replied "anything for you princess" he added on causing me to blush for the second time this morning.
"Did I just make Abby James blush?" Shit. He saw.
"Uhhh maybeee" I replied, running into his bathroom which he then followed chasing me. He got in before I could close the door.
"HAH" he said causing me to giggle he then lent down and kissed me and I kissed back. He then pulled away
"Let's have breakfast" he said.
"Okay fatty" I replied
"AYO IM NOT FAT" he yelled defending himself. I let out a loud laugh and then before I could say something I was slept of my feet being carried by Jj over his shoulder.
"JJ!" I yelled, "LET ME DOWNNNN" I continued.
"Never!" He replied dragging out his R. We then got to the kitchen and he  put me down.
"Finally" I said letting out a big breath. I then lent up and pecked him on his lips and ran over to the cupboard.
"You know I have a chef?" He said
"Me too" I replied which caused him to chuckle.
"I'm going to make something" I said
"Please don't burn my kitchen down" he said
"I won't promise" I replied. I was trying to be quiet in the kitchen since I didn't want to wake up Simon and Talia but I absolutely failed because, as soon as I opened the cupboard to grab a frying pan they all fucking fell on me.
"SHIT! Abs are you okay?" Jj said concerned.
"Yea I'm fine" I said.
"What's all this bloody noise?!" Simon said walking into the kitchen.
"Uh I was trying to grab a frying pan and they all fell on me" I said awkwardly
"Oh" he replied
"Sorry I woke you up" I apologised
"It's okay Abby I needed to get up anyways and Talia is still asleep so we are fine." He said which I laughed at.
"Okay well, since this happened uh.. I can call my chef!" I said enthusiastically
"Abby I'll just call mine" Jj said.
"No it's fine mines better" I said
"Doubt that" he replied
"Well you haven't had any of his food yet Knowledge" I said
"True true" he replied.
"Okay well I'm going to text him the tell him to come here. Uh what's ur address?" I asked him
"*random address*" he said
"Kk thanks" I replied and pecked him on the cheek.

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