Chapter-3 The Clandestine House

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She decides to enter.

Swandrian knocks on the door. Knock!!!! knock!!!

Swandrian inquired, "Is anybody there?" Is anybody inside? I am Swandrian. I ran errands for others in return for money. Today I am here because I got a letter from a stranger who has not mentioned his or her name but has requested that I come here and help you out. Please open the door".

After saying this, she just pushed the door open and found that it was open, so she went inside.

After entering the house...

Swandrian exclaimed, "Wow!!!!!!!! Such a nice and big house. It looks completely different from the inside. No one can say from inside that it is the same small house. It is a very luxurious house with three stories and a basement. It contains all the modern appliances. It has six luxurious rooms with all the modern furniture and attached bathrooms. It has a very spacious modular kitchen with all the modern appliances, one spacious dining room, one huge library with lots of books, a study room, and a living room that has a wooden tea table, two wooden chairs, two luxurious sofas, two lamp shades on both sides of the table, and a fire place.

Swandrian said that "Wow!!!!!!!! I can't imagine that this type of luxurious house can even exist in this desolate place where nobody comes, or rather, nobody knows that this type of place even exists. I first thought it was just a small wooden house. Nobody will have the idea by just looking outside that the inside of the house is so spacious, huge, and beautiful. How can it be possible? Where am I exactly? My head is spinning; I can't think of anything right now. Wait!!!! Where is the person who needs my help? I think nobody is here right now. And I think nobody needs my help either. I have been fooled by someone. This must be a trap. I think somebody has intentionally sent me here in order to harm me. I think it will be better for me to run away from here; otherwise, if someone comes in now, I will not be able to go and will be trapped here for ever. I will keep this letter and the gift here on the tea table."

When she was just going to leave her eyes caught the sight of two injured birds who are inside a cage. They were severely injured, and blood is rolling out of their bodies.

Swandrian immediately rushed to their rescue.

Swandrian said, "Awwww! Little one, how have you two gotten injured so badly? Are you two fighting with each other? It's terrible when two people fight. You should always stay together and protect each other instead of fighting. Let me open the cage first. Where is the key? Let me search first. Yes!!!! I have found the key. Let me open the cage now".

She opened the cage and rescued the birds.

Swandrian said, "Hey little ones, don't worry, I will treat you both one after another. Let me first find the first-aid kit. It must be somewhere here.

Yeahhhhhh I have found the first aid kit. Let me apply first aid to your wounds now. You will be fine in a moment. Oohhhhh!!!!! No, the blood is not stopping your injury, which looks very serious. Let me take both of you with me. Otherwise, it will be impossible to save you. The outside of the house is very cold. Let me first rap you two with my coat. Then I will take you two to Joe, my friend, a veteran".

After rapping them up with her coat, which she was wearing. She quickly rushed towards the door of the house and bumped into a 6.2-inch-tall man.

Swandrian said, "Ouch! It hurts!!!! Babies, are you two okay? Who are you? Why are you here? Just move aside. I am in a hurry. I have to go now. Whoever you are".

That man said, "I am Marquinous. And this is my house. And who the hell are you to question my whereabouts? And by the way, why are you here, and who are you? Are you a thief? What are you stealing from my house? Let me see what is inside your coat, and how dare you talk to me like that standing in my home?"

Swandrian said, "I am not a thief, and who am I and what am I doing here? What am I carrying underneath my coat, and why? Everything is written in a letter, and I have put that letter on the table. I am in a hurry. I can't talk to you right now. So, just move from the door".

And after a small quarrel between the two, She finally came out of his house. And started running at full speed on the fully covered snowy path.

A heavy wind is blowing.

Swandrian, in her shivery voice, said, "Don't worry, little ones. Just tolerate the pain a little bit more. I will reach them shortly. Just be patient and don't lose hope. You two will be fine. And you two will fly again, like you used to do. I know you two are feeling cold. You need more warmth. But unfortunately, I can't give you that. I have already rapped you up with all my warm clothes. I have nothing left with me except my normal clothes. So, please just bear with me a little more. We will reach them soon".

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