Chapter- 9 Unexpected Guest

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Marquinous dragged Swandrian into his house.

Swandrian shouting "You are hurting me! Just leave my hand. How dare you touch me? Who the hell do you think you are to bring me here forcefully? Do you think that I am your slave and that you can do anything you want? And by the way, which way have you taken that? In a blink, I am here in your house. And how did you bring your car here inside the woods, and where did your car go? Who are you? What is your real identity? Who has sent you? Tell me otherwise, and I will call the police. You don't know what I can do to you if you don't leave me this instead.

Stop!!!!!! Stop!!!!!

Why are you continuously dragging me? What wrong have I done to you? I told you, na, that I would come to your place on my own and do all your work as per the condition. Then why are you forcing me? You are treating me like I am a prisoner and I have committed certain crimes, and you are the cop. Answer me, god damit! Who the hell are you? And what do you think of yourself? I have saved your bird's life, and you are treating me like this. You are such a mean and unthankful person."

Marquinous gazed at Swandrian strangely for a few seconds.

Marquinous replied, "I don't trust you. You might run away, you might not keep your promise, and you might ditch me. So, I don't want to take any risks. So, I have no choice but to bring you here like this. And by the way, you did not tell me why you were there at that time. That is not the right place you should be. That is a very old, desolated cemetery where no one is allowed to go. That is a restricted area for visitors".

Swandrian gave a vivid look to Marquinous and replied, Fine, if I am not allowed to go there, then what are you doing there? If I am a commoner, you are too. Then why are rules different for both you and me? And who are you to tell me where to go and where not to go? Where I should be and where I should not. And who the hell are you to question my whereabouts and restrain me from going anywhere? I am visiting that very place since I was 8 on every Christmas day, and no one has ever stopped me from going there or inquired about being there. Then why suddenly are you stopping me? And by the way, why have you been there? Are you stalking me?"

Marquinous gave an angry look to Swandrian and replied, "I am allowed to go there as I have certain work to do. I am on an undercover mission. And no one has the power to stop me or restrain me from going there. I am a regular visitor there. And why I will stalk you. There is no reason for me to stalk you. I have many important tasks left on my schedule, so I have no time to stalk you. Even if I have time, I will never stalk you."

Swandrian jokingly replied, "What?! What!!!!! What a joke that you are regulars at a cemetery where no one is allowed to pay a visit as that place comes under a restricted area as it is a desolated place according to you. Then how come you are only allowed to go there? And what undercover mission are you conducting there? And what do you think of yourself? Oh!!!!! So you have no interest in stalking me. Then who was following me yesterday? Your shadow???? Or I was just hallucinating. Without talking rubbish, just clearly tell me what you actually want from me and why you are spying on me. "

Marquinous angrily replied, "I am not answerable to any of your questions. You don't want to know why I've been there or what work I do. Just do your own work as per the conditions. And mind your language. I did not follow you yesterday. I was just looking for my munchkins. I don't know you. So, how can I believe you that you are taking good care of them or not?"

Swandrian said, "You!"

Suddenly a voice came. "Stop! Stop!!!! You both, please stop your banter now. I am just fed up with your banter. The moment you have entered, from that moment on, you are both just talking crap. Just stop this nonsense."

Both Marquinous and Swandrian asked together, "Who are you? Come in front of us? And how did you enter the house? And for what purpose have you come here? Answer us right now."

Suddenly, a person appears in the dark.

Marquinous said, "You! Why are you here? At this time. You are not supposed to come here. As per, I know you are going to go somewhere."

That person replied, "This is my house too; after all, it's my best friend's house. His house is my house too. And I don't think I have such a relationship with you that I have to seek your permission before coming to your house. As far as I know, I have easy access to your house at any time. I can come here anytime, and I can stay here as long as I want. And this time I am going to stay for a longer time. By the way, Maky (Marquinous), who is this girl with you? I have never seen her with you. And what is she doing here? Oh my god! She is too good-looking, but her temperament is way more different than her looks and appearance, and even she is so loud that my ear is going to explode. Because of you two, I even can't sleep properly. Especially because of this girl. She is such a headache. I don't know how you are tolerating her or for how long you are tolerating her. I can only stand her for a few seconds. She is talking so loudly and harshly. She is using such filthy languages that I can't even hear them here, but how are you listening and consuming them? And even I was shocked to see you with such a girl with such a temperament. Her temperament is much higher than yours. If she has so many problems with you, she must not have come to your house. I think she is on your property. By looking at her clothes and appearance, I can guess that she is very poor and needs money. I am telling you, she is a gold digger. She is just making this drama to prove her innocency. If she is not at all willing to come here, then how come she is here with you right now?"

Swandrian said, "Who the hell are you? And how dare you talk about me like this? You haven't seen my temperament yet. And without knowing anything, how can you judge someone like that? I don't know when you were here, but it is not at all right. How can one trespass on someone's property without the owner's permission? You must be his best friend, but this is the basic advice that one should follow. This is an absolute violation of one's privacy. And who the hell are you to give me my character certificate? Actually, as per your appearance, I think you are also not so rich and you are a goon. So, in order to take money from him, you are acting nice. I think you have no place to live. You have become bankrupt, so that's why you are here at this odd hour without any prior information for seeking help."

Marquinous said, "Stop! Enough of this nonsense. And hello!!!! Who is talking about trespassing when she herself is guilty of that? Hey you!!!!!!! Listen!!!!!! He is my best friend, Sterly, and he has the full right to come anytime he wants. He doesn't want mine or your permission to enter. So, just shut up, do your work, and leave as early as possible. I have much work to do. Because of you, my whole schedule has been messed up. I don't know why, but since the moment I met you, my schedule has been postponed and messed up. You are just like bad luck to me, and so I think it will be better for both of us if we don't cross each other's paths anymore. So, from today on, you don't have to come here for work. And all the conditions that I have imposed on you. From this moment on, I am withdrawing all of them. And you can keep the birds as long as you want; I don't want them. I was wrong to bring you here. Sorry for forcing you, but don't dare talk to my friend like this. I can tolerate my insult, but not his. So... be quiet and do your work."

Swandrian said, "I even don't have any interest in staying here. And as you have already removed your conditions, I will not work for you. I am leaving this place right now. And you... whatever name you have from now on, please mind your own business. Don't interfere in others business. And please stop judging people without knowing them.

Sterly said, "You! You!!!!! You!!!! Are you crossing your limits? You are insulting me. I will not spare you; just wait and watch. You witch."

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