Chapter- 12 The True Identity of the Stranger

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A strong wind is blowing outside.

Snow is falling.

Marquinous and Sterly were about to sleep in their respective rooms after a hectic schedule and after bidding adieu to Swandrian. But they were shocked. Suddenly, both of them were frozen. They were unable to move. It was their feeling that someone was holding them back. After repeated failed attempts, both Marquinous and Sterly realise:

Both Marquinous and Sterly shockingly asked "You!!!!! You!!!!!!! Why are you here now? Why have you come prior to the deadline fixed? You are not supposed to come here. We have some days left until New Year's. Then why are you suddenly here?"

The Stranger replied, "Have both of you forgotten who I am? I am 'God'. I guess you both have forgotten why both of you were sent here, what task was given to you, and what instructions were given before sending both of you back to earth. What is your mission on Earth".

Marquinous said, "No!!!!! I haven't forgotten anything about my mission."

Sterly said, "So do I. I also haven't forgotten anything about my mission."

God laughed "Haa!!!!!!! Haa!!!!!!! Ha!!!!!!!! Ha!!!!!!!!!

Are you both serious about your mission at all? I guess not. I guess this mission is not at all important for both of you. If it is so, then you shouldn't have forgotten about the condition that I have imposed upon you both before sending you here."

Both Marquinous and Sterly "Yes! We are both well aware of the conditions you have imposed upon us. And we are following those conditions thoroughly."

God laughed again. "Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, leave all this crap and just go and pack all your belongings, which you both cherish here the most on earth. We do not have much time on our hands. The clock is just going to strike 12 within an hour. So you both, please hurry up. We don't have much time left on our hands. Before midnight, we have to leave this place."

Marquinous and Sterly both shockingly said, "Now!!!!!!!! Why!!!!!!!!! Why do we have to leave now? We have a week left on our mission. We haven't fulfilled our mission yet. Please let us complete our respective missions. We can't go now. We have a lot to do."

God replied to both, "You both were right that you were given time till the New Year. Since you both have violated your conditions, you both have to leave now."

Marquinous said, "What condition are you talking about? I haven't broken any of the conditions imposed upon me."

Sterly said "So do I.".

God said, "Then let me remind you of your conditions of being here on Earth. I have told you not to get involved with humans. But you both did. You both get involved with that girl, Swandrian. I told you both not to touch humans, but you both did. I told you not to tell anything about your past or to share your thoughts, but you two did. So, you both have broken all the conditions. So, please get ready; otherwise, things will be worse for both of you. And I don't want to repeat myself."

Both Marquinous and Sterly said, "We beg you, God! Please don't do this to us. We haven't completed our mission. Please forgive us for this instead. We will not repeat this mistake again. Please God. Please give us one last chance. We really wanted to complete our mission, please God! Please!!!!!!!! We Beg you. We promise you We will not break any of the conditions imposed upon us."

God replied, "Ok, fine. I am giving both of you a second chance, but you two only have time until the New Year and not a single day more than that. And as you have violated your previous conditions, as a result of your punishment, your powers will be reduced. You both will no longer be able to talk with any human, including Swandrian. You will not be able to touch any human, including Swandrian. And no one will be able to see you both, including Swandrian. No one will be able to hear both of you, including Swandrian. And all other powers will also be curtailed. You can't be able to use any powers around humans. You are only allowed to use your powers within this Clandestine house and nowhere else."

Marquinous said, "God! How is that possible? Without power, how will we survive? And how will we complete our respective missions? If we follow these conditions, our mission will be even more difficult to achieve. As previously, it was difficult to achieve, and now it has become impossible. Please God!!!!!! Please don't do this to us, please."

Sterly said, "Yes!!!! God, please don't do this to us. Don't make our mission impossible. This mission is everything to us."

God replied, "If it is really so important, then why have both of you violated all the conditions in your first instinct? You should have been more careful. I can't do anything. You both have only one choice. Either to stay here with these conditions or to leave with me this instance by forgetting about your mission completely. The choice is yours. You both decide what you will do. Both of you have to give me an answer within seconds. Delay in taking a decision may lead to losing your chance to stay here also."

Marquinous and Sterly both said, Ok, God, we want to stay here no matter what. And we will follow all your conditions strictly this time, without fail. We promise you God that "

God said, "Ok, then I am leaving for now. But if I found any violation of my conditions, either impliedly or explicitly, I will not spear you both this time. You both will be severely punished, along with the humans involved with it."

Both Marquinous and Sterly breathed signs

Clandestine House   Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora