Chapter 1

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The whole film set was silent listening to Taron sing, my face ached from smiling so much as I watched from a distance. Behind all the crew and other cast members surrounding the scene, behind Dexter watching over everything.
We were all stood in different areas of that room, but there was one thing we all had in common. The smile on our faces, the tears in our eyes as we watched Taron sing Your Song.

"He's quite the talent" Jane, one of the make up artists said as she walked up behind me to admire the scene too
"He was so nervous for this" I tell her, not taking my eyes off Taron.

The way he sang the song and the genuine joy that was radiating off of him was so obvious.
He'd done it. He was absolutely smashing this and we were all loving every second of it.

Once he sang that last note everyone just stood for a second, not sure whether to clap - this was a film set. Who claps at a film set?

Soon everyone dispersed to continue whatever it was that they stopped to listen to him. Jane disappeared back behind the curtain where the makeup studio was.
The rest of the cast went back to rehearsing or 'getting in the zone', small chatter filled the room. Mostly about how well Taron had just sung that song.
Taron just got up and remained focused. So unaware of the emotion he'd just caused everyone, unaware that everyone in this room fell under his spell.


It wasn't until a few hours later that he came to find me; I was drinking coffee perched on a black box of equipment. Not really talking to anyone and just entertaining myself on my phone.
I didn't really know anyone here, I was only here for Taron. Although I spoke to most people, there were times where everyone was working -they were all here for a job; something I wasn't.
My head turned to see Taron stood behind me with this small smirk on his face
"You fucking smashed it" I tell him softly, getting up to hug him.
"Which part?"
"All of it, but Your Song - everyone was stood watching you, everyone" I say, beaming with pride, "Even Jane came round to watch"

The smirk turned into a smile and I could really tell how happy he was, his eyes were glistening and he looked fit to burst honestly.

"Thanks for coming today" He says softly, enveloping me into a hug that I just melt into.

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