Chapter 6

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"I told mum we'd all go out for dinner or something when we get back," Taron said, turning back into the room after finishing a cigarette. We'd been here a little while now and tomorrow was going to be our last day here.
"Yeah, that sounds great - I told my grandparents that I'd see them. I don't think they're coping well" I explained, getting a lump in my throat as I thought about it myself.

It was all still quite raw for me; even if it was a few years ago now. I don't think my grandparents could comprehend that their children had gone. My dad's side seemed to cope with it a bit better, but as both sides said 'you just don't think you'd be burying your own child'. Now with me away to it's like their only piece of their child left is away and they can't see me.

For the first few weeks, my dad's side didn't even want to see me. They said that I remind them too much of dad which hurt but I understood. If it wasn't for my mum's side and Taron I'd still be moping around in the family house all on my own.

"Oh yeah, course - we don't have to see mum straight away. I don't even think we'd fit very well into her busy schedule" Taron jokes and it makes me beam from ear to ear to think that Lisa is doing so well for herself now. She has so many friends and has got her life back. It took a lot of time, but she's finally getting out of her shell which is just lovely to see.

"She really is a changed woman," I say, finally getting up out of bed to get ready for the day. I didn't have much to do today and so I liked the lie-in. Taron was heading out any minute and he said he wasn't going to be back till late. I was going to actually venture out of the hotel room to explore Amersham a bit. There was a lot of history here and I fing it quite interesting to find out about the local history.

Taron cat called me as I got out of bed as I only had one of his t-shirts on which only just covered my bum.
"Oh shut up!" I said, trying to sound mad, but I just ended up laughing. That smile quickly dropped from my face when a wave of nausea came over me. I suddenly found myself running for the toilet and I was quickly followed by a worried Taron.

"Oh my god, are you okay - where's this come from?!" He asked after I was done throwing up what was left of last night's dinner.
"I-I don't know" I stammered out, a little in shock at the unexpected sickness. 'That's my day ruined' I thought to myself.
"Come lay back down in bed, you're not going out today if you've just been sick" Taron nursed me back to the bed and tucked me in, "I have to go now, I'm so sorry but I'll call you in a bit, okay?" Taron's eyes were full of concern and I had to laugh a little bit at his reaction to this.
"I'll be fine - I feel fine now, maybe I just up too quick" I mused, really not thinking it was a big deal.
"Okay, well take it easy this morning then at least. I'll call you later" Taron promised, kissing my forehead gently before leaving.

Once the door was shut I got up to get myself a glass of water. That was completely random, I've never had anything like it before. As I stood with my glass of water, looking out over Amersham I started to piece things together. What I'd just had was morning sickness and I hadn't had a period since being here. I hadn't thought much of it because I'm usually irregular anyway, I take them as they come. Shit.

I immediately began frantically getting ready to go out. I needed to get to a chemist or a supermarket and get a pregnancy test. I was shaking as I got my jeans on and threw on one of Taron's jumpers that was lying on the floor. We were always so careful and always used protection. I don't even remember a time we haven't unless it was the night we'd come back drunk a few weeks back now. Double shit. Taron wasn't ready to have a kid; neither was I.

I quickly chucked my long hair in a messy bun and splashed my face with water - that was going to have to do. Hopefully, all the paps followed Taron out of the hotel when he left.

I was still shaking as I took the key card from the desk and slipped out of the door. I hadn't even been out that much really, all I remember is there being a Tesco just up the road. I'd seen it when Taron and I went out the other day.

Even though I was walking at a normal pace I could feel my heart burning in my chest and I was breathing as if I'd just run a marathon. What was I going to do if I was pregnant?

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