Chapter 10

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It was happening. The baby was coming and unsurprisingly Taron wasn't with me.

"Lisa, I think-" I took a quick breath in as another sharp pain hit me, "I think the baby's coming"

Lisa was the only person that came to mind when I started to really feel as though I was going into labor. Of course, there were so many other people that had said "ring me when you think you're going into labour", but I wanted to ring my family and the only close family I had right now was Lisa.

"Oh, shit - how exciting!" She cheered down the phone, "Okay love, do you think you can pack yourself an overnight bag? I can meet you at the hospital - have you called Taron?"
Most of Lisa's words sounded like a jumble in my head so I replied, "I'll pack a bag - I think I can"
"Okay lovely, you're doing amazing okay - deep breaths. I'll call a taxi for you okay, don't worry. Everything's going to be okay and you'll have a little baby in your arms in no time"
Her words did come as a comfort to me and I sighed a little in relief thinking about how this woman was going to be by my side.

"Thank you so much Lisa" I managed to squeeze out before another zap of pain pulsed through my abdomen.

I began to try to walk around the house to make sure at least a change of comfortable clothes and flannel were packed. I couldn't think of anything else that I'd need. My phone charger was plugged in at my bedside so I pulled it out of the wall and chucked it into the duffle bag that was on the floor on Taron's side.

Even when there were no sudden bursts of pain, there was still a constant ache and I could feel our baby squirming around in there. If it gets worse than this, I'm not having another!

I managed to get to the hospital and the taxi driver was kind enough to not only pull up right by A+E but also go in and tell them that there was a pregnant lady about to drop in his car. He then came running back to the car and helped me out - I felt so bad as I was basically leaning all of my weight on the poor guy.

A lady in a nurse uniform then wheeled me into the hospital in a wheelchair, hanging the duffle bag on the handles of the wheelchair.
"Belle!" Lisa exclaimed, jumping from her seat in the A+E waiting room
"Lisa- you came," I said, clutching my stomach. My waters still hadn't broken and so that was the first thing they did when they got me to the maternity ward.

"I'll ring Taron" Lisa had said as I was lying there helpless and in absolute agony. Before I knew what was going on Taron was running through the door and to my bedside.

"I'm so sorry - I'm here, I'm here" He kept repeating, grabbing hold of my hand.
"Our baby's coming!" I cried. Taron caressed my cheek gently and we got lost in each other's eyes for a moment.
"You can do this - I'm not going anywhere, okay?" He told me and I believed him wholeheartedly.

The next few hours were from hell itself and if I could remember even half of it I'd have told you about it. All I truly remember is waking up in the hospital bed with a small cot next to me and Taron sleeping with his head on my bed side and his hand in mine. 

"Baby we did it" I croaked out. My throat was sore from screaming in pain and to be honest, I felt awfully weak. Taron stirred a little from his sleep, I watched as his eyes opened and a smile spread across his lips when he saw me looking at him.
"You did it" He corrected, sitting up and kissing me on the lips, "We've got a little baby girl"

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