Chapter 8

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The sound of the keycard being put into the door made me jump and my stomach did a flip. This was it. I couldn't keep it from him, it'd eaten me up inside all day. I glanced over to the door and then to the clock on the TV screen - 2 am.

Taron didn't say anything at first when he came in, instead, he put his key card on the counter. That's when his eyes shot up to meet mine, "What are you still doing awake?" He asked, pulling his jacket off and chucking it over the chair at the desk.

That was enough to make me start crying again and Taron got onto the bed quickly, rubbing my back and pulling me into him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked quietly after a few minutes of me crying into him. It took another minute or so for me to feel ready to even talk.
"I-" I tried, but just fell deeper into his chest, tears still spilling onto my cheeks.

Taron didn't even say anything else and he just let me continue to cry. I took in his cologne and the way his arms felt around me because I was sure we would be over as soon as I told him.

"Okay" I sniffed hard, trying to compose myself. I took a few deep breaths before saying, "I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna tell you and I'll understand if you want to split. I know it'd be for the best"
"Belle what-" Taron started but I quickly cut him off
"Don't talk, just let me tell you" I told him sternly, trying really hard not to cry again. I looked up at the ceiling in an effort to keep the tears from falling down my face again.

"Okay-" I sniffed and took another deep breath. I tried to hold eye contact but I couldn't. Taron's eyes were scanning my face, trying to work out what it was I was going to say and I couldn't bear to watch him do that
"Me being sick this morning wasn't a bug" I started, staring out into space to try to detach myself from what I was saying because I knew if I didn't I'd start crying again.
"I haven't had a period this whole month - since we've been here" I added and I managed to glance over to Taron and I saw his face change as he started to put two and two together just as I did hours earlier.

"You're pregnant?" Taron blurted out and I just nodded, putting my face in my hands to avoid seeing his reaction. "I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked and again I just nodded with my face in my hands.

"I'm so sorry, everyone was right. I'm a complete burden on you - you don't want a kid now, your career is just taking off you don't want a kid why was I so stupid to not make sure we used protection I-"
"Hey" Taron cut me off, pulling my hands away from my face he pushed my face up to look at him. I swallowed hard as we both stared into each other's eyes. Taron's eyes weren't mad, he didn't seem worried or upset, he looked a little excited if anything.
"This isn't a bad thing Belle" He stated and a small smile spread across his lips, "I'm gonna be a dad!" He wrapped his arms around me and rocked me from side to side.

A huge wave of relief came gushing over me. Taron was happy about this and not angry or upset.

"Hey" Taron pulled away from me and we stared into each other's eyes again, "We're going to figure this out together, okay?" He looked down at my lips and back up to my eyes, "And don't blame yourself - it takes two to tango" He added before kissing me passionately. He turned us so I was laying down on the bed and he was on top."You're gonna make such a great mum" He beamed, tracing my face with his eyes before leaning down to kiss me again. 

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