Chapter 2

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While Taron was working, I was also able to get some work done while I sat around on set.
I'm a marketer who mainly focuses on online efforts to help small to medium businesses. Lucky for me it meant that I could work from anywhere so I could easily travel with Taron - as long as I had my laptop.

After a quick shower in the hotel room, I changed into some skinny jeans and a jumper, something comfortable I could sit at a desk all day in.
Taron had told me he was going to be out till quite late today because of the night scene they were shooting - but he'd try to come back halfway through the day. If there was any perk to dating a successful actor it's that you get to travel around with them at no cost to you - or them. If anything, they're paying you to be there.

The accommodation we had sorted out for us was near the set and so coming back for an hour or so between scenes was quite possible. Though I really tried to persuade him not to do it, I'd got the sense that other people around us just saw me as a distraction and a reason for him not to perform as well as he could in this role.

If you knew Taron properly, you'd know how focused he is when it comes to things like acting - it's his job and I really don't approve of the way people speak about me.
Funnily enough, one of the only people who could see I was good for Taron was Elton John - yep, Sir Elton John always comments on how happy we look together and jokes about when the wedding is.

Taron's friends from back at home approve of us, but others often tell us it's because they are not in the business and don't understand how much having a relationship can ruin a person's career in show business. Especially as we're an actual couple and not one of those couples that are only seen together for publicity. People often say that Taron is so early on in his career and that having me around will only stall his career.

I don't know why these thoughts have just come to me, but as I sit alone in this hotel room I can't help but start to spiral.
What if I am holding him back? What if I am a distraction to him?

After a few minutes, I shake the thoughts from my head and begin to focus on work. I've only had one day off - yesterday. Yet when I open my emails I have 35 unread.

Guess it's a replying to emails day today then.

As lunchtime rolls around I can't help but hope that Taron will show up at some point soon. I want to speak to him about what I was thinking about earlier and know what he honestly thought. He was always so thoughtful and said the right things while still being so truthful.

4 pm rolled around and after answering all of the emails and starting a social media schedule for a client I really started to wonder where he was. Just as I thought about texting him my phone buzzed with a text from Taron:

I'm so sorry I couldn't come back, things got crazy... Elton showed up on set and we've been having a catch up. Everything okay? X

So I got chosen over Elton John... can't blame him.

No way! Everythings fine, been catching up on work stuff x

Even though what I had said was true, it wasn't entirely. I wanted to speak to him, but I couldn't say that. That would be me 'interfering with his work' and I can't prove the people right - I can't just come waltzing in and out whenever I wanted. If Taron was working an office job I couldn't do it so why is being an actor any different?

After some blog writing, research, and phone calls, 10 pm rolled around and there was still no sign of Taron.
A long, heavy sigh escaped me as I sulked down into bed.

Hope everythings okay.. See you tomorrow x

Once I'd sent that I could relax a little more and I soon fell to sleep. Alone and a little disappointed. 

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