Chapter 3

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"C'mon!" Taron shouted to me from outside the en-suite.

I just stared back at my reflection, Taron told me he was going to take me out today to make up for yesterday. He didn't get back to the hotel room until 1 am and was a bit hungover; which wasn't an issue as he said they were filming nighttime scenes again today so filming didn't start until later.
He was really apologetic about not coming back earlier and as much as I appreciated it, I couldn't help but feel let down and sad. 

"Coming!" I cheered back, trying to compose myself and push yesterday out of my head.

"What is it?" Taron asked as soon as I left the bathroom, staring into my eyes as if he was trying to read my mind; well he had actually read my mind because he knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"
"It was just lonely yesterday" I shrugged, it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. I get it, he's busy. Which is all the more reason to enjoy the day we've got ahead. Even though he probably wants to rest, he's choosing to go out with me - even with a night of work ahead of him. I should be so grateful, does it make me selfish that I don't feel grateful?

"Come 'ere"
I walked closer to him, taking in his cologne and a little smirk showed across my face.
"I love you, you know that right?"
I just nod into his chest and I can feel tears brimming in my eyes.
Taron must've felt me crying and I just look up at him and shrug, "I have no idea why I'm crying right now" I force a laugh, but Taron doesn't buy it as he doesn't even smile back. Instead, he pulls me closer and just lets me cry, rocking me slowly in his arms.

"I have a question" I eventually say when I can speak again
"What is it, love?
I pull away from his chest and hold eye contact as I ask, "Am I holding you back? Honestly - could you do more if you weren't dating me?" My voice is slightly crackly and I stare intently into his eyes as he thinks of an answer.
"Yeah, I could do loads more," He says bluntly and my heart sinks a little, "I could travel more, go to parties with no strings attached. I could get more work and more hours to do the work"
My eyes sink to the floor and my heart is heavy. Exactly what I thought.
"But why would I want to do that?" He pushes my chin up with his index finger, making my eyes meet his glistening ones again.
"I wouldn't ever let you go because of my work or because people think you distract me. You distract me in the best possible way. Do you know how alone I felt in this business before you? How low I would get? If it wasn't for you being here now I'd be in this hotel room on my own and an empty hotel room isn't any fun. I would never leave you for my work - I couldn't do my work without you, couldn't imagine doing it without you. What made you think that? Who was talking shit"
He went from sweet Taron to angry Taron real quick.
"No one, I jus- when you were out all day yesterday I was thinking about what people have said and thought maybe you agreed with them bu-"
"If there's one thing I've learned to be over these last few years it's honest with myself. I wouldn't pretend to love someone and be with them if I didn't want to be. If I didn't see a future with them. What we have is so much more than what people see, they never see me when I'm sad, lonely - drunk even. They haven't held me while I cry my eyes out or even make me laugh like you do. They don't know us Belle"

These words stick with me for the rest of the day and still ring through my ears as I lay my head down for the night.
As I'm getting ready for bed, Taron is getting ready for the set and once I lay down he kisses my forehead gently.
"I love you Belle"
"I love you too Rocketman"
Taron laughs, "I'll be back when you wake up" 

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